Utilização de óxido de grafeno em concreto com resíduos de construção civil.
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Sogayar, André Rahuan
Dias, Luana Inez Ribeiro
Pereira, Mylena Cattani
Dias, Luana Inez Ribeiro
Pereira, Mylena Cattani
Franzin, Roberta Nunes Attili
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Os resíduos de obras e demolição na construção civil possuem grande potencial para serem reciclados como agregados na produção de concreto, quando comparados com outros resíduos. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da adição de Óxido de Grafeno (GO) na resistência do concreto com o reaproveitamento de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD). Foi desenvolvido um estudo experimental visando avaliar as propriedades físicas dos agregados e as propriedades mecânicas de quatro traços de concretos, sendo eles: a referência estabelecida como concreto convencional, o referencial com GO, o concreto reciclado, com a substituição dos agregados naturais por RCD, e concreto reciclado com RCD e GO. Os traços com GO foram produzidos com a adição de 0,03% do óxido, em relação ao consumo total de cimento. Para todos os traços foram determinadas as massas específicas, o índice de absorção de água e a resistência mecânica à compressão. Os quatro traços atingiram, aos 28 dias, a resistência mínima de 20 MPa definida em norma para concreto estrutural. No entanto, observou-se que a resistência do concreto reciclado não aumentou com o teor de GO utilizado neste trabalho.
Construction and demolition residues on civil constructions, have great recycling potential as aggregates in concrete production when compared to other kinds of waste. This research’s objective is to evaluate the influence of Graphene Oxide (GO) added on the reuse of Construction and Demolition Residues (CDR) in the concrete manufacturing. Experimental studies were developed to evaluate the aggregate’s physical properties and later the mechanical properties obtained by four different concrete traces, being: reference established as conventional concrete, referential trace with GO, recycled concrete, replacing the natural aggregate by CDR, and recycled concrete with CDR and GO. The traces with GO was produced adding 0,03% of GO regarding the total cement consumption. For all traces it was determined the specific masses, absorption index and mechanical resistance to compression. All four traces reached, at 28 days, the minimum resistance defined as standard, 20 MPa, to be considered for structural use. However, it was observed that the recycled concrete’s resistance did not increase with the concentration of GO used in this research.
Construction and demolition residues on civil constructions, have great recycling potential as aggregates in concrete production when compared to other kinds of waste. This research’s objective is to evaluate the influence of Graphene Oxide (GO) added on the reuse of Construction and Demolition Residues (CDR) in the concrete manufacturing. Experimental studies were developed to evaluate the aggregate’s physical properties and later the mechanical properties obtained by four different concrete traces, being: reference established as conventional concrete, referential trace with GO, recycled concrete, replacing the natural aggregate by CDR, and recycled concrete with CDR and GO. The traces with GO was produced adding 0,03% of GO regarding the total cement consumption. For all traces it was determined the specific masses, absorption index and mechanical resistance to compression. All four traces reached, at 28 days, the minimum resistance defined as standard, 20 MPa, to be considered for structural use. However, it was observed that the recycled concrete’s resistance did not increase with the concentration of GO used in this research.
resíduo de construção , óxido de grafeno , concreto , construction residue , graphene oxide , concrete