A gamificação com apoio tecnológico como recurso didático para o ensino de filosofia: Um estudo de caso
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Buttri, Patrick Faustini
Paula , Rodrigo Varoni de
Paula , Rodrigo Varoni de
Lopes , Ana Lúcia de Souza
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O presente trabalho busca discutir a potência da gamificação com apoio
tecnológico utilizado como recurso didático para o ensino de filosofia. A pesquisa
se desenvolveu a partir do estudo sobre o perfil dos alunos do século XXI e
debruçou-se sobre a relevância dos jogos e como a gamificação pode ser
utilizada como recurso didático no ensino de filosofia. A partir da construção do
referencial teórico que se apoiou em autores como Huizinga (2019), Prensky
(2012), Bannell, et al (2017), Santos (2018), entre outros. Num segundo
momento, discute-se a gamificação como estratégia de ensino condizente com
as novas demandas educacionais. Este estudo culminou na realização de uma
pesquisa de campo, por meio de um estudo de caso realizado, a partir da
sistematização, aplicação e análise de uma estratégia gamificada utilizando
recursos digitais, a fim de compreender a viabilidade da proposta. A estratégia
foi aplicada em duas turmas de 1ª série do Ensino Médio no componente de
Filosofia e contou com a participação de cerca de 45 alunos, em uma escola da
rede pública de ensino em Barueri, SP. A análise se apoiou nas respostas dos
estudantes, por meio de um questionário aplicado via Google forms, enquanto
atividade de autoavaliação vinculada à estratégia de ensino. A partir dos dados
coletados, foram criadas duas categorias de análise, que apresenta: (I) a
percepção dos estudantes sobre a experiência e (II) as possibilidades para
ampliar metodologia no ensino de filosofia. Os resultados apontam a experiência
como exitosa e que efetivamente contempla os objetivos propostos no início da
pesquisa. A gamificação se apresentou como recurso didático que desperta o
interesse, o engajamento e promove o protagonismo dos estudantes na
construção de conhecimentos e no desenvolvimento das competências e
habilidades por parte dos estudantes.
ABSTRACT The present work seeks to discuss the potential of gamification with technological support used as a didactic resource for the teaching of philosophy. The research was developed from the study on the profile of students in the 21st century and focused on the relevance of games and how gamification can be used as a didactic resource in philosophy teaching. The construction of the theoretical framework was based on authors such as Huizinga (2019), Prensky (2012), Bannell, et al (2017), Santos (2018), among others. In a second moment, gamification is discussed as a teaching strategy consistent with the new educational demands. This study culminated in the execution of a field research, through a case study, based upon the systematization, application and analysis of a gamified strategy using digital resources, in order to understand the viability of the proposal. The strategy was applied in two classes of 1st grade of high school in the Philosophy component and had the participation of about 45 students, in a public school in Barueri, SP. The analysis was based on the students' answers, through a questionnaire applied via Google forms, as a selfassessment activity linked to the teaching strategy. From the collected data, two categories of analysis were created, which presents: (I) the students' perception of the experience and (II) the possibilities to expand the methodology in the teaching of philosophy. The results point to the experience as successful and that it effectively contemplates the objectives proposed at the beginning of the research. Gamification was presented as a didactic resource that arouses interest, engagement, and promotes students' protagonism in building knowledge and in developing skills and abilities by the students.
ABSTRACT The present work seeks to discuss the potential of gamification with technological support used as a didactic resource for the teaching of philosophy. The research was developed from the study on the profile of students in the 21st century and focused on the relevance of games and how gamification can be used as a didactic resource in philosophy teaching. The construction of the theoretical framework was based on authors such as Huizinga (2019), Prensky (2012), Bannell, et al (2017), Santos (2018), among others. In a second moment, gamification is discussed as a teaching strategy consistent with the new educational demands. This study culminated in the execution of a field research, through a case study, based upon the systematization, application and analysis of a gamified strategy using digital resources, in order to understand the viability of the proposal. The strategy was applied in two classes of 1st grade of high school in the Philosophy component and had the participation of about 45 students, in a public school in Barueri, SP. The analysis was based on the students' answers, through a questionnaire applied via Google forms, as a selfassessment activity linked to the teaching strategy. From the collected data, two categories of analysis were created, which presents: (I) the students' perception of the experience and (II) the possibilities to expand the methodology in the teaching of philosophy. The results point to the experience as successful and that it effectively contemplates the objectives proposed at the beginning of the research. Gamification was presented as a didactic resource that arouses interest, engagement, and promotes students' protagonism in building knowledge and in developing skills and abilities by the students.
gamificação , Ensino de Filosofia , estratégias de ensino , TDICs , Gamification , Philosophy Teaching , taching strategies , Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (DICT).