Evolution of science and technology policies in brazil and the incorporation of innovation Evolución de las políticas de ciencia y tecnología en brasil y la incorporación de la innovación*
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Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado
Citações (Scopus)
Nagao Menezes D.F.
Leite de Moraes G.
Leite de Moraes G.
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© 2021, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. All rights reserved.This essay aims to present the evolution of science and technology policies in Brazil to the Dilma Government and to identify how innovation has been incorporated into such policies. Three dis-tinct phases were identified: the beginning of S&T policies in Brazil, where historical antecedents are treated; the evolution and consolidation of S&T policies themselves, from the governments of the military regime until the beginning of the new re-public (1964-1990) and the incorporation of innovation into S&T policies in the post 1990s. It is clear that innovation is gaining ground, notably on the agenda of discus-sions, but it is effectively from the creation of sectoral funds in 1999 that Brazil explic-itly relies on the innovation embodied in its S&T policies. This fact will be positively reflected in regional, state and municipal de-velopment policies. From that point on, innovation gains more and more space within government policies, which now refer to the trinomial C, T & I.