Periodic and quiescent solar activity effects in the low ionosphere, using SAVNET data

dc.contributor.authorBertoni F.C.P.
dc.contributor.authorRaulin J.-P.
dc.contributor.authorGavilan H.R.
dc.contributor.authorKaufmann P.
dc.contributor.authorRaymundo T.E.
dc.description.abstractImportant results have been acquired using the measurements of VLF amplitude and phase signals from the South America VLF Network (SAVNET) stations. This network is an international project coordinated by CRAAM, Brazil in cooperation with Peru and Argentina. It started operating in April 2006, and now counts on eight stations (Atibaia, Palmas, Santa Maria and Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz in Brazil; Piura, Punta-Lobos and Ica, in Peru; CASLEO, in Argentina). Researches, through the last decades, have demonstrated the versatility of the VLF technique for many scientific and technological purposes. In this work, we summarize some recent results using SAVNET data base. We have obtained daily maximum diurnal amplitude time series that exhibited behavior patterns in different time scales: 1) long term variations indicating the solar activity level control of the low ionosphere; 2) characteristic periods of alternated slow and fast variations, the former being related to solar illumination conditions, and the latter that have been associated with the winter anomaly at high latitudes; 3) 27-days period related to the solar rotation and consequently associated to the solar Lyman-α radiation flux variations, reinforcing earlier theories about the importance of this spectral line for the D-region formation. Finally, we conclude presenting preliminary results of simulation using LWPC, which showed very good agreement at times of observed modal amplitude minima for a given VLF propagation path. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
dc.relation.ispartofAIP Conference Proceedings
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.subject.otherlanguageLow ionosphere
dc.subject.otherlanguageLyman-a radiation
dc.subject.otherlanguageSolar activity
dc.subject.otherlanguageVLF technique
dc.titlePeriodic and quiescent solar activity effects in the low ionosphere, using SAVNET data
dc.typeArtigo de evento