A importância da localização nas incorporações
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Carvalho, Karoline Aguiar de
Horiguchi, Keishi Neves
Torres, Pedro Bueno Machado Rodrigues
Yaktine, Ricardo Neder
Mesa, Rodrigo Parron
Horiguchi, Keishi Neves
Torres, Pedro Bueno Machado Rodrigues
Yaktine, Ricardo Neder
Mesa, Rodrigo Parron
Dinis, Henrique
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A incorporação imobiliária é uma atividade econômica que consiste na aquisição de um terreno, na construção de um empreendimento e na venda deste em unidades ou por completo. Para que se tenha sucesso é preciso que haja um estudo de viabilidade no início do processo, e este começa com o terreno. Este deve possuir ocupação ordenada do solo urbano baseado nos moldes do Plano Diretor e da regulamentação ambiental promovida pelo Estado. Com isso, bem regulamentada e exercida, permite o desenvolvimento do mercado imobiliário, que tem grande impacto na circulação de riqueza e na geração de empregos. A captação de recursos privados para a construção de edifícios requer, porém, a regulamentação para que sirva como incentivo aos empreendedores e confira segurança aos adquirentes de que a obra será executada, o condomínio edilício será construído e as unidades autônomas lhes serão entregues. O texto aborda um dos pilares para que um produto de incorporação obtenha sucesso: a localização. Foram analisados dois produtos similares de localizações diferentes de uma mesma incorporadora: um que obteve sucesso, e outro que não conseguiu chegar no resultado esperado. A partir disso, após a discussão dos resultados, o texto determina que o edifício que conseguiu englobar seu público alvo foi o que obteve sucesso, ou seja, apesar dos dois prédios possuírem uma ótima localização, não é o suficiente para que este seja um produto com bom resultado.
Real estate is an economic activity that consists of land acquisition, the enterprise construction and the sale of it in units or completely. In order to succeed, there needs to be a feasibility study at the beginning of the process and this starts with the land. It must have an orderly occupation of the urban land in the molds of the Master Plan and the environmental regulation promoted by the State. This activity well-regulated and exercised, allows the development of the real estate Market that has a great impact in the wealth circulation and the generation of employments. The reception of private resources for the construction of buildings requires however regulation that serves as an incentive to entrepreneurs and checks safety to buyers that the work will be executed, the joint owned property will be constituted and the autonomous units will be delivered. The present text covers one of the most important things for a real estate product to succeed: location. Two similar products of different locations of the same developer were analyzed: one that succeeded, and another that could not reach the expected outcome. Said that, after the results discussion, the text determines that the building that managed to encompass its target audience was the one that succeeded. So, despite that both buildings have a great location, that’s not enough to achieve a great outcome.
Real estate is an economic activity that consists of land acquisition, the enterprise construction and the sale of it in units or completely. In order to succeed, there needs to be a feasibility study at the beginning of the process and this starts with the land. It must have an orderly occupation of the urban land in the molds of the Master Plan and the environmental regulation promoted by the State. This activity well-regulated and exercised, allows the development of the real estate Market that has a great impact in the wealth circulation and the generation of employments. The reception of private resources for the construction of buildings requires however regulation that serves as an incentive to entrepreneurs and checks safety to buyers that the work will be executed, the joint owned property will be constituted and the autonomous units will be delivered. The present text covers one of the most important things for a real estate product to succeed: location. Two similar products of different locations of the same developer were analyzed: one that succeeded, and another that could not reach the expected outcome. Said that, after the results discussion, the text determines that the building that managed to encompass its target audience was the one that succeeded. So, despite that both buildings have a great location, that’s not enough to achieve a great outcome.
incorporação , mercado imobiliário , localização , real estate development , real estate market , location