Prevention and remediation of learning difficulties: Adaptation of response to an intervention model in a Brazilian sample Prevenção e remediação das dificuldades de aprendizagem: Adaptação do modelo de resposta à intervenção em uma amostra Brasileira
Data de publicação
Revista Brasileira de Educacao
Citações (Scopus)
de Almeida R.P.
de Toledo Piza C.J.M.
Cardoso T.S.G.
Miranda M.C.
de Toledo Piza C.J.M.
Cardoso T.S.G.
Miranda M.C.
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The aim of this study was to adapt and implement a prevention and remediation model of learning disabilities, the Response to Intervention model (RTI), in a Brazilian context. The research was conducted in two stages: i) the adaptation and implementation of tier 1, with a collective instructional intervention, undertaken by two elementary 1st year teachers, who implemented the RTI in their classroom; ii) development and implementation of tier 2, with the intervention target group that remained with a below average performance in stage 1 of the present study. A total of ten children participated and the intervention took place in forty minutes sessions, three times a week. All activities focused on teaching strategies and on underpinning cognitive skills related to reading. Results indicated that the RTI model is appropriate for the Brazilian context, acting as an alternative form of assesment and intervention for the student's needs.