Corrida científica: correndo em busca do aprendizado
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Maranhão, Gabriel Lucas Maffei
Moura, Henrique Luiz Berthault
Lieb, Laura Chaluleu
Silva, Sarah Batista da
Moura, Henrique Luiz Berthault
Lieb, Laura Chaluleu
Silva, Sarah Batista da
Moraes, Ubirajara Carnevale de
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Essa pesquisa tem o intuito de apresentar uma maneira diferente de estimular alunos de ensino médio a aprenderem os conteúdos de ciências da natureza apresentados pelos professores em sala de aula. Tem como objetivo desenvolver um jogo de tabuleiro que pode ser utilizado para revisão de conteúdo das matérias de Ciências da Natureza, sendo estas: Química, Física e Biologia. Visando essas matérias devido à grande dificuldade dos alunos de as compreenderem no período do Ensino Médio.
Quanto a metodologia, trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, tendo como objetivo resultados de qualidade da aprendizagem. A coleta de dados foi realizada através da aplicação de um questionário com treze questões, em colégio público, a fim de saber o interesse por jogos de tabuleiro.
No referencial teórico realizou-se um estudo sobre o ponto de vista de oito pensadores: Jean Piaget, Marc Prensky, James Paul Gee, Lynn Alves, David Shaffer, Katie Salen, Gerome Bruner e Kurt Squire, reunindo as principais ideais relevantes para atingir o objetivo do trabalho. A partir das respostas obtidas do primeiro questionário, pelas dificuldades que os alunos tiveram em responder as perguntas do jogo e das respostas de um segundo questionário aplicado para saber o feedback dos alunos, concluiu-se que eles possuem muitas dificuldades na aprendizagem e fixação dos conteúdos abordados nas Ciências da Natureza, o que demonstra que o método de ensino atual não apresenta os melhores resultados, sendo, portanto, pertinente a imersão de um método complementar, o jogo de tabuleiro.
This research aims to present a different way of encouraging high school students to learn the natural science content presented by teachers in the classroom. It aims to develop a board game that can be used for content review of the subjects of Nature Sciences, which are: Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Aiming these subjects due to the great difficulty of students to understand them in the period of High School. Regarding the methodology, this is a field research, aiming at quality learning outcomes. Data collection was performed by applying a questionnaire with thirteen questions, in public school, in order to know the interest in board games. In the theoretical framework, a study was conducted on the point of view of eight thinkers: Jean Piaget, Marc Prensky, James Paul Gee, Lynn Alves, David Shaffer, Katie Salen, Gerome Bruner and Kurt Squire, bringing together the main relevant ideas for achieving the goal. objective of the work. From the answers obtained from the first questionnaire, the difficulties that students had in answering the game questions and the answers of a second questionnaire applied to know the students' feedback, it was concluded that they have many difficulties in learning and fixing the contents. approached in the Natural Sciences, which demonstrates that the current teaching method does not have the best results, so it is pertinent the immersion of a complementary method, the board game.
This research aims to present a different way of encouraging high school students to learn the natural science content presented by teachers in the classroom. It aims to develop a board game that can be used for content review of the subjects of Nature Sciences, which are: Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Aiming these subjects due to the great difficulty of students to understand them in the period of High School. Regarding the methodology, this is a field research, aiming at quality learning outcomes. Data collection was performed by applying a questionnaire with thirteen questions, in public school, in order to know the interest in board games. In the theoretical framework, a study was conducted on the point of view of eight thinkers: Jean Piaget, Marc Prensky, James Paul Gee, Lynn Alves, David Shaffer, Katie Salen, Gerome Bruner and Kurt Squire, bringing together the main relevant ideas for achieving the goal. objective of the work. From the answers obtained from the first questionnaire, the difficulties that students had in answering the game questions and the answers of a second questionnaire applied to know the students' feedback, it was concluded that they have many difficulties in learning and fixing the contents. approached in the Natural Sciences, which demonstrates that the current teaching method does not have the best results, so it is pertinent the immersion of a complementary method, the board game.
jogo de tabuleiro , jogos na educação , ciências da natureza , ensino dinâmico , board game , games in education , natural sciences , dynamic teaching