Estudo da utilização do pêndulo duplo para geração de energia: estudo da energia maremotriz
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Santos, André Martinez Araujo dos
Bonitatibus, Carlos Henrique
Arnoldi, Fabio Khouri
Bonitatibus, Carlos Henrique
Arnoldi, Fabio Khouri
Lopes, José Ignacio Hernandez
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O presente estudo tem o objetivo de dissertar de forma clara e sucinta acerca da concepção e aplicação do sistema de energia maremotriz. O estudo tem início com a dissertação acerca da aplicação do conceito de energia, das formas de geração e da importância histórica da energia para a sociedade como um todo. Em seguida, há a explanação acerca das fontes de geração de energia, separadas em renováveis e não renováveis, apontando vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma, introduzindo ao assunto central do estudo, que é a energia maremotriz, trazendo a sua funcionalidade, formas de esquematização, e trazendo um apanhado histórico da sua concepção, possibilitando um comparativo entre o modelo com os outros existentes, mostrando a viabilidade do mesmo em projetos de diversos países, com ênfase no projeto de Pecém, no Ceará.
The aim of this study is to present a clear and succinct dissertation about the design and application of the tidal power system. The study begins with the dissertation about the application of the concept of energy, the forms of generation and the historical importance of energy for society as a whole. Next, there is the explanation about the sources of energy generation, separated in renewable and nonrenewable, pointing out advantages and disadvantages of each one, introducing to the central subject of the study, that is the tidal power, bringing its functionality, forms of schematization , and bringing a historical overview of its design, allowing a comparison between the model and the other existing ones, showing the feasibility of the same in projects of several countries, with emphasis on the Pecém project in Ceará.
The aim of this study is to present a clear and succinct dissertation about the design and application of the tidal power system. The study begins with the dissertation about the application of the concept of energy, the forms of generation and the historical importance of energy for society as a whole. Next, there is the explanation about the sources of energy generation, separated in renewable and nonrenewable, pointing out advantages and disadvantages of each one, introducing to the central subject of the study, that is the tidal power, bringing its functionality, forms of schematization , and bringing a historical overview of its design, allowing a comparison between the model and the other existing ones, showing the feasibility of the same in projects of several countries, with emphasis on the Pecém project in Ceará.
energia , maremotriz , marés , renovável , energy , tidal power , renewable