Performance Analysis of TV 3.0 Over-the-Air Physical Layer Protocols

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IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, BMSB
Citações (Scopus)
Omi J.
Santiago N.S.
De Oliveira G.H.M.G.
Filho E.F.
Santana M.A.
Dos Santos L.N.
De Souza W.H.S.
De Melo Valeira G.
Lopes P.B.
Stolfi G.
Dos Santos E.T.C.
Meloni L.G.P.
Akamine C.
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© 2022 IEEE.Frequency reuse-1, Channel Bonding (CB), use of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antennas, negative carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) in Rayleigh channels, and indoor antenna reception are some of the over-the-air physical layer requirements of TV 3.0 for the next generation of digital terrestrial TV in Brazil. The Brazilian Digital Terrestrial TV (SBTVD-T) Forum defined these requirements due to the lack of available electromagnetic spectrum and the possibility of integrating an internal antenna in the reception devices. These features will allow a quick rollout of TV 3.0, and TV sets will receive broadcast TV content without connecting any external devices. To meet these requirements, it is necessary to use low-order modulation techniques associated with powerful channel codes. Four candidate technologies for the physical layer of TV 3.0 have been evaluated in order to assess their performance in a terrestrial broadcast environment. This paper presents some results obtained, specifically in terms of Frequency Reuse-1, SISO, and MIMO C/N in laboratory tests. The results showed that the evaluated technologies do not meet all requirements of the TV 3.0 physical layer.
Assuntos Scopus
Field trials and test results , Frequency reuse , Frequency reuse-1 , Multiple input multiple output , Multiple inputs , Multiple outputs , Next-generation of broadcasting standard , Over the airs , Physical layers , TV 3.0
DOI (Texto completo)