Diversidade de invertebrados coletados com a armadilha "Adultrap - armadilhas contra a dengue"
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Nascimento, Luccas Torres do
Louro, Monica Ponz
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Os invertebrados são, sabidamente, um dos grupos animais mais populosos em número de espécimes e de espécies descritas. O filo Arthropoda, é o maior agrupamento de animais existentes atualmente, compreende os invertebrados com apêndices articulados e exoesqueleto quitinoso como por exemplo: mosquitos (Diptera), formigas (Hymenoptera), aranhas (Araneae), besouros (Coleoptera), dentre outros. A Adultrap é uma armadilha projetada especificamente para captura de mosquitos da dengue fêmeas devido aos atrativos apresentados para o inseto. Ela é côncava, de cor preta, envolta por tela, com uma abertura de entrada para o mosquito, em seu interior há placas de acrílico pouco vazadas, funcionando como uma cancela, e no fim um recipiente para colocar a isca (água). O presente trabalho visou classificar taxonomicamente e discutir os diferentes invertebrados (Arthropoda) capturados pela armadilha “Adultrap – Armadilhas contra a dengue”, em oito diferentes pontos de coleta, seis situados na capital de São Paulo e dois pontos de coleta na grande São Paulo, ao longo de oito meses entre 2022 e 2023. Os artrópodes foram analisados em laboratório, com o auxilio de lupas e chaves de identificações, até o seu menor nível taxonômico possível, posteriormente comparados quanto a frequência de ocorrência entre os pontos de coleta e discutido suas relações biológicas com a captura pela armadilha Adultrap. Ao total, foram coletados 687 artrópodes de 39 grupos taxonômicos diferentes; dentre os mais comuns: Formiga carpinteira (Camponotus sp.), o mosquito comum (Culex sp.), mosquito da dengue (Aedes aegypti), e sobre artrópodes não esperados: Percevejo de renda (Tingidae), tatuzinho de jardim (Armadillidium vulgare) e aranha treme-treme (Mesabolivar sp.). A armadilha mostrou-se capaz de capturar similarmente invertebrados alados e ápteros, podendo ser usada como uma nova ferramenta no levantamento da artropodofauna para fins científicos, didáticos, sanitários e como um meio de incentivar a ciência cidadã.
Invertebrates are widely recognized as one of the most populous animal groups in terms of both individuals and described species. The phylum Arthropoda stands out as the largest existing assembly of animals, encompassing invertebrates with jointed appendages and a chitinous exoskeleton, such as mosquitoes (Diptera), ants (Hymenoptera), spiders (Araneae), beetles (Coleoptera), among others. The Adultrap is a trap specifically designed to capture female dengue mosquitoes due to the attractants presented to the insect. It is concave, black, wrapped in mesh, with an entrance opening for the mosquito; inside, there are sparsely perforated acrylic plates functioning as a gate, and at the end, a container for the bait (water). This study aimed to taxonomically classify and discuss the different invertebrates (Arthropoda) captured by the "Adultrap - Dengue Traps" at eight different capture points, six located in the capital of São Paulo and two capture points in State of São Paulo, over eight months between 2022 and 2023. The arthropods were analyzed in the laboratory with the aid of magnifying glasses and identification keys, down to their lowest taxonomic level. Subsequently, they were compared regarding the frequency of occurrence between collection points, and their biological relationships with Adultrap capture were discussed. In total, 687 arthropods from 39 different taxonomic groups were collected. Among the most common were Carpenter Ant (Camponotus sp.), Common Mosquito (Culex sp.), Dengue Mosquito (Aedes aegypti), and unexpected arthropods included Lace Bug (Tingidae), Pill Bug (Armadillidium vulgare), and Shaking Spider (Mesabolivar sp.). The trap proved itself been effective in capturing both winged and wingless invertebrates, making it a valuable tool for surveying arthropod fauna for scientific, educational, and sanitary purposes, as well as promoting citizen science.
Invertebrates are widely recognized as one of the most populous animal groups in terms of both individuals and described species. The phylum Arthropoda stands out as the largest existing assembly of animals, encompassing invertebrates with jointed appendages and a chitinous exoskeleton, such as mosquitoes (Diptera), ants (Hymenoptera), spiders (Araneae), beetles (Coleoptera), among others. The Adultrap is a trap specifically designed to capture female dengue mosquitoes due to the attractants presented to the insect. It is concave, black, wrapped in mesh, with an entrance opening for the mosquito; inside, there are sparsely perforated acrylic plates functioning as a gate, and at the end, a container for the bait (water). This study aimed to taxonomically classify and discuss the different invertebrates (Arthropoda) captured by the "Adultrap - Dengue Traps" at eight different capture points, six located in the capital of São Paulo and two capture points in State of São Paulo, over eight months between 2022 and 2023. The arthropods were analyzed in the laboratory with the aid of magnifying glasses and identification keys, down to their lowest taxonomic level. Subsequently, they were compared regarding the frequency of occurrence between collection points, and their biological relationships with Adultrap capture were discussed. In total, 687 arthropods from 39 different taxonomic groups were collected. Among the most common were Carpenter Ant (Camponotus sp.), Common Mosquito (Culex sp.), Dengue Mosquito (Aedes aegypti), and unexpected arthropods included Lace Bug (Tingidae), Pill Bug (Armadillidium vulgare), and Shaking Spider (Mesabolivar sp.). The trap proved itself been effective in capturing both winged and wingless invertebrates, making it a valuable tool for surveying arthropod fauna for scientific, educational, and sanitary purposes, as well as promoting citizen science.
artrópedes , levantamento de fauna , dengue , armadilha , arthropods , fauna survey , dengue , trap