An Overview of Brazilian Companies on the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Practices

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Communications in Computer and Information Science
Citações (Scopus)
Eliseo M.A.
Silveira I.F.
Martins V.F.
de la Higuera Amato C.A.
Cunha D.V.
Junior L.C.
Cristiano G.B.
Chuang F.
Tanikawa F.
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Membros da banca
© 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Industry 4.0 brought a series of changes in the production model worldwide by inserting information technologies as a central element of its proposed revolution. This ecosystem of trends and technologies encompasses concepts such as greater flexibility and optimization of production resources, through the interaction of human factors and technology. However, the advances and benefits achieved since the establishment of this model are unevenly arranged among countries, where those considered peripheral from the point of view of capitalist development have little access to technologies and transformations, being at a competitive disadvantage compared to more developed countries. This article presents an analyze the stage of development of industry 4.0 in Brazil based on the literature and records of technologies and processes implementation responsible for digital transformation in Brazilian companies. The results show that, in addition to the process of adopting practices towards the evolution of Industry 4.0 being embryonic in the Brazilian context, there is little research that addresses the digital maturity of Brazilian companies.
Assuntos Scopus
Brazil , Brazilian companies , Developed countries , Digital transformation , Embryonics , Optimisations , Process implementation , Production models , Production resources , Technology implementation
DOI (Texto completo)