Acceasy - A front-end framework prototype for developing responsive web applications with accessibility for visually impaired people Acceasy ? Um protótipo de framework front-end para o desenvolvimento de aplicacões web responsivas com acessibilidade para deficientes visuais
Artigo de evento
Data de publicação
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
Citações (Scopus)
Germano R.S.
Eliseo M.A.
Eliseo M.A.
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© 2020 AISTI.This article presents a study for the creation of a framework for the front-end development of web applications with accessibility for the visually impaired and responsiveness. As a result, Acceasy (created tool), its operation, some examples and the project's contributions to web application developers and end users are presented. As a final result, the framework created proved to be able to generate responsive web pages, with semantic codes and use of accessibility markings, automatically and transparently for web developers, thus facilitating their work. Pages created with the tool also show improvements in accessibility for screen readers. Some validations still need to be made and at the end, future work is listed.
Assuntos Scopus
End users , Front end , Screen readers , Semantic codes , Visually impaired , Visually impaired people , WEB application , Web developers