Pesquisa na internet: a webquest na educação de jovens e adultos
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Cabral, Thaís Ginícolo
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Este trabalho apresenta a pesquisa realizada em uma escola pública da cidade de São Paulo,
com alunos da modalidade de Ensino de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). O foco da pesquisa é
analisar a relação entre EJA e webquest, conceito criado por Bernie Dodge em 1995, na
Universidade Estadual de San Diego – EUA. Tal conceito pode ser definido como uma
metodologia de pesquisa guiada na internet e, por meio dele, pretendeu-se investigar a
eficácia no processo de aprendizagem dos alunos. Com o intuito de construir uma relação
entre a tecnologia e a modalidade de ensino aqui tratada, foi necessária uma contextualização
com a informática na educação e os seus desdobramentos no ambiente escolar para, então, ser
analisada a relevância da webquest na aprendizagem da turma escolhida. Além de uma
pesquisa acerca dos temas citados, foi feito um relato da intervenção pedagógica realizada nas
aulas de informática com a aplicação do projeto Webquest: currículo. Devido à diferença entre
níveis de aprendizagem dos alunos, este recurso não atendeu completamente às expectativas
inicias, fazendo com que o projeto sofresse alterações no decorrer da aplicação. Apesar da
webquest não ter sido utilizada em sua plenitude, a maioria dos alunos conseguiu cumprir a
tarefa proposta e avaliou que o recurso foi relevante para a aprendizagem.
This paper presents the research conducted in a public school in the city of São Paulo, with students in the area of Youth and Adult Education (EJA). The research focus is to analyze the relation between EJA and the webquest concept, wich was created by Bernie Dodge, in 1995, at San Diego State University - USA. This concept can be defined as a research methodology in the Internet and, through it, the aim was to investigate the effectiveness of the learning process. In order to build a relation between technology and the educational area chosen for this paper, it was necessary to contextualize the computer in education and its developments in the school environment to analyze the relevance of webquest in the class chosen for this research. In addition to the research of the issues mentioned, a report with the pedagogical work was made about the intervention of the project Webquest: curriculum. Due to the difference between levels of students learning, this resource did not achieve completely its initial expectations. Because of this, some changes in the project was needed during its application. Despite the webquest was not completely used in its fullest, most students accomplished the task and evaluated that the resource was relevant.
This paper presents the research conducted in a public school in the city of São Paulo, with students in the area of Youth and Adult Education (EJA). The research focus is to analyze the relation between EJA and the webquest concept, wich was created by Bernie Dodge, in 1995, at San Diego State University - USA. This concept can be defined as a research methodology in the Internet and, through it, the aim was to investigate the effectiveness of the learning process. In order to build a relation between technology and the educational area chosen for this paper, it was necessary to contextualize the computer in education and its developments in the school environment to analyze the relevance of webquest in the class chosen for this research. In addition to the research of the issues mentioned, a report with the pedagogical work was made about the intervention of the project Webquest: curriculum. Due to the difference between levels of students learning, this resource did not achieve completely its initial expectations. Because of this, some changes in the project was needed during its application. Despite the webquest was not completely used in its fullest, most students accomplished the task and evaluated that the resource was relevant.
Tecnologia , Internet , Webquest , Educação de jovens e adultos (EJA)