Veículos elétricos: estudo exploratório do comportamento do potencial mercado consumidor do Brasil
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Barsotti, Julia
Cunha, Julia Maria Sawaya da
Cunha, Julia Maria Sawaya da
Orrego, Roxana Maria
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Este artigo apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre veículos elétricos para diagnosticar o comportamento de um grupo representativo do potencial mercado consumidor no contexto atual do Brasil. Para isso foi necessário realizar um estudo bibliográfico sobre os carros elétricos e híbridos. Para compreender o potencial mercado em questão, foram realizadas duas pesquisas. Primeiramente uma pesquisa qualitativa, com um grupo focal de dez participantes tendo como tema central a comercialização de carros elétricos no Brasil. O resultado do grupo focal serviu como base para elaborar as questões da pesquisa survey aplicada posteriormente, via questionário eletrônico, seguida de uma análise estatística dos dados obtidos. Dentre outros resultados significativos tem-se que as características relacionadas ao produto, como desempenho, autonomia e conforto parecem ter menor importância do que as características geralmente consideradas viabilizadoras da comercialização, como os incentivos, o preço de compra e a infraestrutura adequada. Estas últimas foram tornando-se então detratores da comercialização. A faixas etária mais adepta à tecnologia é aquela entre 25 a 36 anos e a mais resistente são os maiores de 46 anos.
This article presents an exploratory study on electric vehicles to diagnose the behavior of a representative group of the potential consumer market in the current context of Brazil. For this, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographic study on electric and hybrid cars. To understand the potential market in question, two surveys were conducted. First a qualitative research, with a focal group of ten participants having as central theme the commercialization of electric cars in Brazil. The result of the focus group served as a basis for elaborating survey questions applied later, via electronic questionnaire, followed by a statistical analysis of the data obtained. The main results of this study are: the characteristics related to the product, such as performance, autonomy and comfort seems to be less important than the other characteristics that are considered to be commercialization, such as incentives, purchase price and adequate infrastructure. These last three factors were identified as the main marketing detractors. It was evidenced the most adept bands that is between 25 to 36 years old and more resistant in those over 46 years.
This article presents an exploratory study on electric vehicles to diagnose the behavior of a representative group of the potential consumer market in the current context of Brazil. For this, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographic study on electric and hybrid cars. To understand the potential market in question, two surveys were conducted. First a qualitative research, with a focal group of ten participants having as central theme the commercialization of electric cars in Brazil. The result of the focus group served as a basis for elaborating survey questions applied later, via electronic questionnaire, followed by a statistical analysis of the data obtained. The main results of this study are: the characteristics related to the product, such as performance, autonomy and comfort seems to be less important than the other characteristics that are considered to be commercialization, such as incentives, purchase price and adequate infrastructure. These last three factors were identified as the main marketing detractors. It was evidenced the most adept bands that is between 25 to 36 years old and more resistant in those over 46 years.
carro elétrico , grupo focal , survey , diagnóstico de comportamento , electric car , focal group , survey , behavioral diagnosis