Regularização fundiária: a atuação da engenharia civil
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Tonetti, Carina Rodrigues De Campos
Rocha, Felipe Costa Azevedo
Coimbra, Gabriel Leonardi Menke
Freitas, Lucas Gil
Figueiredo, Renato Rachid
Rocha, Felipe Costa Azevedo
Coimbra, Gabriel Leonardi Menke
Freitas, Lucas Gil
Figueiredo, Renato Rachid
Masson, Terezinha Jocelen
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Com o crescimento populacional no Brasil observado nas últimas décadas, a quantidade de pessoas habitando em situação irregular vem aumentando exponencialmente, resultando assim num quadro de crescimento insustentável e ambientalmente destrutivo. A maioria das cidades brasileiras apresenta algum tipo de núcleo urbano informal, desprovido de infraestrutura, equipamentos urbanos e comunitários mínimos, pois o crescimento desordenado gerou a fragmentação do espaço e a exclusão social, e em consequência, surgiram áreas extremamente carentes. Esta é a realidade de milhares de brasileiros, excluídos dos sistemas financeiros formais da habitação e do acesso à terra regularizada e urbanizada, cidadãos que acabam ocupando as chamadas áreas de risco, como encostas e locais suscetíveis de alagamento. Tendo em vista este panorama encontrado no Brasil, evidencia-se a importância da Regularização Fundiária (Reurb). Esta é uma área de atuação majoritariamente de arquitetos e urbanistas, devido às suas atribuições e conhecimentos sobre a organização do espaço urbano. O presente estudo analisou as possíveis frentes de atuação e a importância do Engenheiro Civil, que pela sua formação e especificidade, possibilita a aplicação de soluções mais viáveis para cada realidade específica, para cada ocupação irregular a ser analisada, fundamentado nos equipamentos de infraestrutura presentes nos núcleos alvos de processos de regularização fundiária, analisados por meio de estudos de caso. Nos casos analisados foram realizados levantamentos das condições dos equipamentos de infraestrutura, as intervenções propostas e os resultados das intervenções. Ficou evidente o impacto positivo das intervenções em equipamentos de infraestrutura para a saúde da população, do meio ambiente e do espaço urbano como um todo.
With the population growth in Brazil observed in recent decades, the number of people living in an irregular situation has increased exponentially, resulting in a scenario of unsustainable and environmentally destructive growth. Most Brazilian cities present some kind of informal urban nucleus, devoid of infrastructure, minimal urban and community facilities, as the disorderly growth generated space fragmentation and social exclusion, and as a consequence, extremely poor areas appeared. This is the reality of thousands of Brazilians, excluded from the formal financial systems of housing and access to regularized and urbanized land, citizens who end up occupying so-called risk areas, such as slopes and places susceptible to flooding. In view of this panorama found in Brazil, it is evident the importance of land regularization. This is an area of action mainly of architects and town planners, due to their attributions and knowledge about the organization of urban space (RIOS, 2013). The present study analyzed the possible fronts of action and the importance of the Civil Engineer, focusing on the infrastructure equipment present in the target areas of Land Regularization processes, analyzed through case studies. In the cases analyzed, a survey was made of the conditions of the infrastructure equipment, the proposed interventions and the results of the interventions. The positive impact of interventions on infrastructure equipment for the health of the population, the environment and the urban space as a whole was evident.
With the population growth in Brazil observed in recent decades, the number of people living in an irregular situation has increased exponentially, resulting in a scenario of unsustainable and environmentally destructive growth. Most Brazilian cities present some kind of informal urban nucleus, devoid of infrastructure, minimal urban and community facilities, as the disorderly growth generated space fragmentation and social exclusion, and as a consequence, extremely poor areas appeared. This is the reality of thousands of Brazilians, excluded from the formal financial systems of housing and access to regularized and urbanized land, citizens who end up occupying so-called risk areas, such as slopes and places susceptible to flooding. In view of this panorama found in Brazil, it is evident the importance of land regularization. This is an area of action mainly of architects and town planners, due to their attributions and knowledge about the organization of urban space (RIOS, 2013). The present study analyzed the possible fronts of action and the importance of the Civil Engineer, focusing on the infrastructure equipment present in the target areas of Land Regularization processes, analyzed through case studies. In the cases analyzed, a survey was made of the conditions of the infrastructure equipment, the proposed interventions and the results of the interventions. The positive impact of interventions on infrastructure equipment for the health of the population, the environment and the urban space as a whole was evident.
regularização fundiária , infraestrutura , espaço urbano , land regularization , infrastructure , urban space