Getúlio Vargas’ developmentism and the positivation of women’s rights in Brazil O desenvolvimentismo de Getúlio Vargas e a positivação de direitos das mulheres no Brasil
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Direito, Estado e Sociedade
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© 2019, Law, State and Society Magazine.This work portrays the link between the heterodox economic policy of the Vargas Era and its positivist model of state management, in order to demonstrate that the positivization of rights for women was inserted in the developmental project of Getúlio Vargas, marked, primarily, by the search for the development of an independent capitalism in Brazil. In order to present his argument, this article goes through Varguista economic policies and his industrialization project, to affirm that Vargas adopted a heterodox economic policy and, then, the text links this thesis to the political model adopted by Getúlio Vargas. The imbrication between the political model and the economic model of Vargas were deeply marked by developmentalism, authoritarianism and state-led unionism, which will be presented in subsequent topics. Finally, this work links all this stuff to the positivization of women's political and social rights, in Brazil, especially in the 1930s and 1940s.