Fibrous dysplasia of the skull: Case report and literature review Displasia fibrosa craneal: Reporte de un caso y revisioń de la literatura
Data de publicação
Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia
Citações (Scopus)
Diaz Castillejos A.
Zottis Grapiglia C.
Castillo Thea V.
Rehder R.
Borba L.A.B.
Zottis Grapiglia C.
Castillo Thea V.
Rehder R.
Borba L.A.B.
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Fibrous dysplasia consists of benign skeletal disorder present especially in adolescents and young adults, characterized by abnormal fibrous proliferation with normal or immature bone, located either in a single bone or affecting in a diffuse form the skeletal. Face and skull are affected in approximately 10-25% of the patients presenting fibrous dysplasia in a monostotic form and approximately 50% of patients presenting polyostotic form of the disease. Fibrous dysplasia may manifest in several forms and radiological and computerized tomographies are essential as complementary exams to determine the extension of such lesions. Literature review suggests surgical resection as a possible treatment, especially in those patients presenting cosmetic deformity and functional complications. Due to its benign evolution, surgery consists in preserving the function of the system taken by the lesion. We report the case of a patient presenting fibrous dysplasia in fronto-parietal bone submitted to surgical intervention in Evangelic University Hospital of Curitiba.