Translation and transcultural adaptation of the self-efficacy scale for teachers of students with autism: Autism self-efficacy scale for teachers (ASSET) Tradução e adaptação transcultural da escala de avaliação de autoeficácia de professores de alunos com autismo: Autism self-efficacy scale for teachers (ASSET)

dc.contributor.authorCanabarro R.C.C.
dc.contributor.authorTeixeira M.C.T.V.
dc.contributor.authorSchmidt C.
dc.description.abstract© 2018, Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Educacao Especial. All rights reserved.The teaching self-efficacy perception in relation to the professional practice may interfere in the schooling process of students with autism and may influence the motivation and performance of the teacher’s response to the challenging situations of these students’ inclusion process. The Autism Self-Efficacy Scale for Teachers (ASSET) evaluates the self-efficacy beliefs of teachers in their ability to perform teaching tasks with students with autism. In this context, this study verified indicators of semantic equivalence resulting from the process of translation and transcultural adaptation of the ASSET scale into the Portuguese language of Brazil and verified indicators of clarity and comprehension of this version in Portuguese through a pilot study. The methodological procedures involved the translation of the scale into the Brazilian Portuguese language and back-translation into English; analysis of semantic equivalence; evaluation of experts of the previous steps and adaptation of the scoring scale; verification of clarity and comprehension of the scale through the pilot study for consolidation of the final version. The ASSET Portuguese version of the scale showed adequate indicators of denotative and connotative equivalence after the stages of translation, back-translation and analysis of semantic equivalence. This made the systematization of the synthesis version of the instrument with few modifications possible in order to meet both the semantic adequacy in relation to the original version and the cultural adjustments, in the stage of expert evaluation and score adaptation. In the pilot study the synthesis version was evaluated as adequate by most teachers. In the final version of the scale, participants’ suggestions were included from the pilot study, considering the adequacy of both colloquial vocabulary and the maintenance of the effect of each item in Brazilian culture. We suggest new studies that evaluate other psychometric properties of the ASSET.
dc.relation.ispartofRevista Brasileira de Educacao Especial
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subject.otherlanguageSpecial education
dc.subject.otherlanguageTeaching self-efficacy
dc.subject.otherlanguageTranscultural adaptation
dc.titleTranslation and transcultural adaptation of the self-efficacy scale for teachers of students with autism: Autism self-efficacy scale for teachers (ASSET) Tradução e adaptação transcultural da escala de avaliação de autoeficácia de professores de alunos com autismo: Autism self-efficacy scale for teachers (ASSET)