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Material híbrido de paper clay / óxido de grafeno para adsorção de azul de metileno
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Citações (Scopus)
Falzirolli, Graziella Pessôa
Domingues, Sergio Humberto
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Fechine, Guilhermino José Macêdo
Camargo, Pedro Henrique Cury
Camargo, Pedro Henrique Cury
Engenharia de Materiais
Materials based on graphene oxide and different types of clays are two classes of materials
with unique properties and with several applications, highlighting the adsorption capacity of
some dyes, metals and organic compounds. The combination of these structures can lead to
significant improvements in their properties through the synergism of the two species.
Methylene blue, a cationic dye widely used in many types of industries, has considerable
toxicity and causes biological imbalances when discarded in the wrong way. Because it is a
low-cost, high-application material, it is of great concern to health organizations as it can
cause irreversible damage when discarded or stored in the wrong way in the environment.
Thus, the need for treatments to remove this material from nature becomes more and more
and among the various available techniques, the adsorption is one of the most outstanding,
due to its ability to remove the material from the contaminated medium without
compromising the medium, however the materials currently used have a number of
disadvantages, such as high cost and considerable efficiency. The purpose of this work was
to obtain and characterize a hybrid material consisting of the deposition of graphene oxide
(GO) under porcelain based on a mixture of clay and paper, and its application as adsorbent
material of the dye methylene blue. The kinetic studies showed that hybrid materials with
different proportions of GO (400μL and 1200μL) were tested as adsorbent matrices, showing
in their results that the higher proportion of GO in the compound improves the adsorption
power, reaching 98% of the dye, due to the high surface area of the carbonaceous material
and its negative charge surface are attractive for the retention of the cationic dye, since the
interaction between the materials is given primarily by electrostatic attraction. Another factor
that influenced the retention power of the dye in the matrix was the basic medium in which
the dye was, since when it immersed the matrix, the molecules of methylene blue began to
interact with it. The use of paper clay as an adsorber matrix also allowed the reuse and
recycling of the matrices, since after the first use there were still active sites in the matrices
and after their saturation, sintering them again it was possible to eliminate the materials of
its surface, allowing so its re-use with GO deposited again.
óxido de grafeno , paper-clay , azul de metileno , adsorção
Assuntos Scopus
FALZIROLLI, Graziella Pessôa. Material híbrido de paper clay / óxido de grafeno para adsorção de azul de metileno. 2018. 77 f. Dissertação( Engenharia de Materiais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.