Negacionismo na ciência: análise de vídeos antivacina sob uma perspectiva científica
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Bianchi, Catarina Martins
Pechliye, Magda Medhat
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O movimento antivacina é uma vertente do negacionismo científico, que envolve grupos de pessoas que se opõem à vacinação, questionando sua eficácia, segurança e até mesmo a necessidade de imunização. A resistência à vacinação se torna mais preocupante porque a imunização em massa é fundamental para controlar e erradicar doenças infecciosas. Através da vacinação, é possível proteger indivíduos vulneráveis, além de reduzir a disseminação de doenças contagiosas na comunidade. O negacionismo científico está muito relacionado à falta de compreensão sobre determinado assunto, unido à uma grande quantidade de notícias falsas sobre ele. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo é analisar os argumentos de alguns negacionistas, em plataformas virtuais, em relação às vacinas. Por meio de vídeos nas plataformas Youtube e Rumble, foram identificados os principais argumentos presentes em cada um, e posteriormente buscou-se categorizar, de forma autoral, elementos comuns presentes no discurso antivacina, resultando na elaboração de seis categorias, detalhadas no corpo do trabalho. É feita uma reflexão acerca da negação da ciência, partindo do princípio de que respeitar perspectivas divergentes em relação às aceitas cientificamente não deve resultar na desvalorização do pensamento científico.
The anti-vaccine movement is a branch of scientific denialism, which involves groups of people who oppose vaccination, questioning its effectiveness, safety and even the need for immunization. Resistance to vaccination becomes more worrying because mass immunization is essential to control and eradicate infectious diseases. Through vaccination, it is possible to protect vulnerable individuals, in addition to reducing the spread of contagious diseases in the community. Scientific denialism is closely related to the lack of understanding about a certain subject, coupled with a large amount of fake news about it. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to analyze the arguments of some deniers, on virtual platforms, in relation to vaccines. Through videos on the Youtube and Rumble platforms, the main arguments present in each one were identified, and later it was sought to categorize, in an authorial way, common elements present in the anti-vaccine discourse, resulting in the elaboration of six categories, detailed in the body of the work . A reflection is made on the denial of science, based on the principle that respecting divergent perspectives in relation to those scientifically accepted should not result in the devaluation of scientific thought.
The anti-vaccine movement is a branch of scientific denialism, which involves groups of people who oppose vaccination, questioning its effectiveness, safety and even the need for immunization. Resistance to vaccination becomes more worrying because mass immunization is essential to control and eradicate infectious diseases. Through vaccination, it is possible to protect vulnerable individuals, in addition to reducing the spread of contagious diseases in the community. Scientific denialism is closely related to the lack of understanding about a certain subject, coupled with a large amount of fake news about it. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to analyze the arguments of some deniers, on virtual platforms, in relation to vaccines. Through videos on the Youtube and Rumble platforms, the main arguments present in each one were identified, and later it was sought to categorize, in an authorial way, common elements present in the anti-vaccine discourse, resulting in the elaboration of six categories, detailed in the body of the work . A reflection is made on the denial of science, based on the principle that respecting divergent perspectives in relation to those scientifically accepted should not result in the devaluation of scientific thought.
movimento antivacina , negacionismo científico , fake news , plataformas virtuais , educação , anti-vaccine movement , scientific denialism , fake news , virtual platforms , education