Performance of a test procedure for heavy duty diesel engines in order to mimic accelerated conditions of liners deterioration

dc.contributor.authorPolati E.S.
dc.contributor.authorVatavuk J.
dc.contributor.authorNava M.
dc.description.abstractSeeking for technologies to meet uprising environmental legislation restrictions all over the world, the use of EGR valves [1] in Heavy Duty Diesel engines seems to be irreversible and so frightening. Despite its notable contribution to Nitrogen Oxides emission reduction, its catastrophic effects on accelerated corrosive wear in liners and piston rings are very well known by the industry. For EGR valves with condensation technology this undesirable effect is substantiated with fuel sulphur content and acids produced by combustion, a characteristic still present in fuels commercialized in Brazil. This report presents the performance of a bench engine test procedure for heavy duty Diesel that provokes accelerated polish of liners and piston rings by corrosive and abrasive wear in a short period of running test when compared with standard industry procedures for wear and durability evaluation. This methodology allows a simultaneous comparison of performance of different material, under exact same test conditions, reducing running time, test infrastructure and global test costs. Copyright © 2006 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
dc.relation.ispartofSAE Technical Papers
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.titlePerformance of a test procedure for heavy duty diesel engines in order to mimic accelerated conditions of liners deterioration
dc.typeArtigo de evento
local.scopus.subjectCatastrophic effects
local.scopus.subjectComparison of performance
local.scopus.subjectDurability evaluation
local.scopus.subjectEnvironmental legislations
local.scopus.subjectHeavy-duty diesel engine
local.scopus.subjectNitrogen oxides emission
local.scopus.subjectTest infrastructures
local.scopus.subjectUndesirable effects