Protestantismo Terena: do protestantismo de missões ao protestantismo etinitizado, um estudo sobre a Igreja UNIEDAS (União das Igrejas Evangélicas da América do Sul)
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Costa, Ricardo Pereira da
Gomes, Antonio Máspoli de Araújo
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Membros da banca
Pereira, João Baptista Borges
Pazinato, Patricia
Pazinato, Patricia
Ciências da Religião
Desde o início de nosso projeto tínhamos a certeza da dificuldade em adentrar um universo tão intrínseco. Buscamos pesquisar este grupo pelo desafio de entender um pouco da fé protestante em um ambiente étnico. Queríamos entender se o evangelho que temos aqui na cidade de São Paulo é o mesmo dos índios terena e, além do mais, buscar elementos de fé que demonstrassem unicidade por exemplo: dogma da trindade, batismo, ceia litúrgica, canto pregação e mensagem evangelística entre outras questões. Saímos da pesquisa bastante influenciados pelas belas imagens e leituras prazerosas; a certeza é que o cristianismo ensinado e praticado pelas igrejas primitivas do livro de Atos dos apóstolos está bem vivo no século 21 entre os terenas. Entendemos que mudam os povos e suas respectivas culturas, mas o evangelho e suas práticas são trabalhadas da mesma forma. Conhecemos a Igreja UNIEDAS na Aldeia do Bananal e nos reunimos com a liderança: cacique, ex-caciques além de pastores indígenas... muitos pastores, pudemos perceber que eles têm uma gratidão imensa a Deus pelo fato de serem crentes por terem uma bela história e sentirem-se determinados a levar este processo de evangelização para outros patrícios . A UNIEDAS está presente em solo brasileiro desde o início do século XX. O processo inicia-se com os pioneiros da ISAMU e com homens da SAIM. Houve confronto no início da formação protestante dos Terenas, e o caso do cacique Marcolino Wollily é bem relatado de questões políticas envolvendo o SPI, Cardoso Oliveira e Altenfelder Silva mostram isto em suas obras na década de 50 e 60.
In this research we looked to study the Protestant faith among the Terena ethnic group. Since the beginning of our project we were aware of the difficulty entering in such a unique universe, but we sought this goal as a challenge to understand a little more of the Protestant faith in an ethnic setting.We wanted to understand if the gospel we have here in the city of São Paulo is the same as the Terena Indians have. And beyond, we sought for more elements of faith that could demonstrate uniqueness between these two very different communities geographically and sociologically speaking eg: the dogma of Trinity, baptism rites, liturgy, singing and preaching evangelistic message among other issues. We concluded the research strongly influenced by the beautiful images and pleasant readings and convinced that the Christianity taught and practiced by the early church as we can see in the book of Acts of the Apostles is very much alive in the 21st century between the Terena. We understand that the people and the cultures aren t the same, but the gospel and their practices are worked the same way. We found the Church UNIEDAS in the village of Bananal and we met with its leadership, the current cacique and former chiefs. Besides, we talked to many indigenous pastors. In doing that we realized that they have an immense gratitude to God because they are "true believers" of have a beautiful history and felling that they are determined to lead this process of evangelization to other "fellow countrymen". The UNIEDAS is present on Brazilian soil since the early twentieth century. The process began with the pioneers of ISAMU and SAIM men. There was conflict at the beginning of the Protestant formation of Terenas and the case of the chief Marcolino Wollily is well reported by Cardoso Oliveira e Silva Altenfelder in his work in the 50s and 60s showing some political issues involving SPI.
In this research we looked to study the Protestant faith among the Terena ethnic group. Since the beginning of our project we were aware of the difficulty entering in such a unique universe, but we sought this goal as a challenge to understand a little more of the Protestant faith in an ethnic setting.We wanted to understand if the gospel we have here in the city of São Paulo is the same as the Terena Indians have. And beyond, we sought for more elements of faith that could demonstrate uniqueness between these two very different communities geographically and sociologically speaking eg: the dogma of Trinity, baptism rites, liturgy, singing and preaching evangelistic message among other issues. We concluded the research strongly influenced by the beautiful images and pleasant readings and convinced that the Christianity taught and practiced by the early church as we can see in the book of Acts of the Apostles is very much alive in the 21st century between the Terena. We understand that the people and the cultures aren t the same, but the gospel and their practices are worked the same way. We found the Church UNIEDAS in the village of Bananal and we met with its leadership, the current cacique and former chiefs. Besides, we talked to many indigenous pastors. In doing that we realized that they have an immense gratitude to God because they are "true believers" of have a beautiful history and felling that they are determined to lead this process of evangelization to other "fellow countrymen". The UNIEDAS is present on Brazilian soil since the early twentieth century. The process began with the pioneers of ISAMU and SAIM men. There was conflict at the beginning of the Protestant formation of Terenas and the case of the chief Marcolino Wollily is well reported by Cardoso Oliveira e Silva Altenfelder in his work in the 50s and 60s showing some political issues involving SPI.
UNIEDAS , aldeia , protestantismo , Terena , ISAMU , SAIM , UNIEDAS , village chief , protestantism , Terena , ISAMU , SAIM
Assuntos Scopus
COSTA, Ricardo Pereira da. Protestantismo Terena: do protestantismo de missões ao protestantismo etinitizado, um estudo sobre a Igreja UNIEDAS (União das Igrejas Evangélicas da América do Sul). 2015. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2015.