O lugar do sagrado na clínica psicológica
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Camilo, Priscilla Andrade da Silva
Gomes, Antonio Máspoli de Araújo
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Rodrigues-Câmara, Cátia Cilene
Ciências da Religião
A experiência relacionada aos aspectos da espiritualidade e/ou religiosidade do paciente trazida ao setting terapêutico é uma realidade nos atendimentos psicológicos, já que esta é uma dimensão pessoal, cultural e social do ser humano. Tal fenômeno emerge da experiência do paciente com o que ele crê como sagrado, de suas crenças e da própria interpretação que ele dá à sua experiência. Contudo, as esferas da religiosidade ou da espiritualidade presente na do sujeito na clínica psicológica, podem levar o psicoterapeuta a carecer de métodos próprios para o manejo da relação do paciente com a sua própria experiência. Diante destas questões, tal problemática aponta para a necessidade de se compreender a pessoa em sua complexidade e singularidade. É a partir destas questões que proponho uma revisão nas teorias dos clássicos e contemporâneos da psicologia em relação aos aspectos da religiosidade e/ou espiritualidade dos sujeitos. Assim este trabalho apresenta alguns aspectos da religiosidade e/ou espiritualidade investigada por alguns nomes dos clássicos da psicologia como Wundt e William James e também nos contemporâneos da escola inglesa da psicanálise como Bion e Winnicott. Ao final deste trabalho, apresento os principais aspectos da religiosidade e/ou espiritualidade investigada pelos teóricos clássicos e contemporâneos da psicologia e a importância do reconhecimento de tais aspectos pelo psicólogo no manejo clínico.
The experience related to the aspects of the patient spirituality and / or religiosity brought to the therapeutic setting is a reality in psychological treatment, since this is a personal , cultural and social dimension of human beings. This phenomenon emerges from the patient's experience with what he believes to be sacred, their own beliefs and the interpretation he gives to his own experience. However, the patient’s spheres of religion or spirituality can lead the psychotherapist to lack of proper methods for handling the patient's relationship with his own experience. Faced with these facts, this issue points to the need to understand the person in their complexity and uniqueness. From these questions I propose a revision of the classical and contemporary theories of psychology in relation to aspects of religiosity and / or spirituality of the subject. Thus this paper presents some aspects of religiosity and / or spirituality investigated by some of the classic names of psychology such as Wundt and William James and also in contemporary English school of psychoanalysis such as Bion and Winnicott. At the end of this paper, I present the main aspects of religiosity and / or spirituality investigated by classical theorists and contemporary psychology and the importance of the recognition of such aspects by the psychologist in clinical management.
The experience related to the aspects of the patient spirituality and / or religiosity brought to the therapeutic setting is a reality in psychological treatment, since this is a personal , cultural and social dimension of human beings. This phenomenon emerges from the patient's experience with what he believes to be sacred, their own beliefs and the interpretation he gives to his own experience. However, the patient’s spheres of religion or spirituality can lead the psychotherapist to lack of proper methods for handling the patient's relationship with his own experience. Faced with these facts, this issue points to the need to understand the person in their complexity and uniqueness. From these questions I propose a revision of the classical and contemporary theories of psychology in relation to aspects of religiosity and / or spirituality of the subject. Thus this paper presents some aspects of religiosity and / or spirituality investigated by some of the classic names of psychology such as Wundt and William James and also in contemporary English school of psychoanalysis such as Bion and Winnicott. At the end of this paper, I present the main aspects of religiosity and / or spirituality investigated by classical theorists and contemporary psychology and the importance of the recognition of such aspects by the psychologist in clinical management.
espiritualidade , religiosidade , psicologia clínica
Assuntos Scopus
Camilo, Priscilla Andrade da Silva. O lugar do sagrado na clínica psicológica. 2015. [68 f.]. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, [São Paulo].