Analysis of four serum biomarkers in rheumatoid arthritis: association with extra articular manifestations in patients and arthralgia in relatives Análise de quatro marcadores sorológicos na artrite reumatoide: associação com manifestações extra‐articulares no paciente e artralgia em familiares

Data de publicação
Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia
Citações (Scopus)
Nass F.R.
Skare T.L.
Goeldner I.
Nisihara R.
Messias-Reason I.T.
Utiyama S.R.R.
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© 2016 Elsevier Editora Ltda.Objectives To evaluate the frequency of four serum biomarkers in RA patients and their relatives and identify possible associations with clinical findings of the disease. Methods This was a transversal analytical study. Anti‐cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti‐CCP), anti‐mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti‐MCV) and IgA‐rheumatoid factor (RF) were determined by ELISA and IgM‐RF by latex agglutination in 210 RA patients, 198 relatives and 92 healthy controls from Southern Brazil. Clinical and demographic data were obtained through charts review and questionnaires. Results A higher positivity for all antibodies was observed in RA patients when compared to relatives and controls (p < 0.0001). IgA‐RF was more frequent in relatives compared to controls (14.6% vs. 5.4%, p = 0.03, OR = 2.98; 95%CI = 1.11‐7.98) whereas anti‐CCP was the most common biomarker among RA patients (75.6%). Concomitant positivity for the four biomarkers was more common in patients (46.2%, p < 0.0001). Relatives and controls were mostly positive for just one biomarker (20.2%, p < 0.0001 and 15.2%, p = 0.016, respectively). No association was observed between the number of positive biomarkers and age of disease onset, functional class or tobacco exposure. In seronegative patients predominate absence of extra articular manifestations (EAMs) (p = 0.01; OR = 3.25; CI = 1.16‐10.66). Arthralgia was present in positive relatives, regardless the type of biomarker. Conclusions A higher number of biomarkers was present in RA patients with EAMs. Positivity of biomarkers was related to arthralgia in relatives. These findings reinforce the link between distinct biomarkers and the pathophysiologic mechanisms of AR.
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