Business Model and Strategy: In Search of Dialog through Value Perspective Modelo de Negócio e Estratégia: Em Busca de um Diálogo a partir da Perspectiva do Valor
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Revista de Administracao Contemporanea
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© 2019, ANPAD - Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Administracao. All rights reserved.Value is the unit of analysis for a business model, and also the main goal of strategy. From both an academic and a practical point of view, the question that guides the definition of a business model is: how to create, configure and appropriate value? Strategic management and business model theories have already progressed significantly in some aspects of value, but present major misunderstandings to answering this question, especially because they still work from a static view of value, based only in the content or result. The paper aims to develop a theoretical articulation of business model and strategy through a dynamic perspective of value, based on the combination of strategy content and strategy process. In order to accomplish this task, it tooks contributions from several fields of knowledge underpinning value, such as economics, marketing, strategic management and organizational configuration. The main proposition is that a business model is an emergent structure, defined through the interplay of strategic decisions for discovering and recognizing opportunities (value creation) but also for implementing (value configuration) and profiting from them (value appropriation).