Aplicações e propriedades de fitorremediadores aquáticos e seus impactos ambientais e socioeconômicos
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Maciel, Shirley Nunes
Marques, Victor Yassuda
Marques, Victor Yassuda
Machado, Rogerio Aparecido
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Devido a buscas por técnicas que e promovam o bem-estar social, o desenvolvimento tecnológico, a manutenção do meio ambiente e a exploração dos recursos naturais de maneira sustentável, este trabalho busca sintetizar de maneira elucidativa uma das possíveis metodologias de despoluição das águas, no que refere-se a recuperação de corpos hídricos de pequenas e médias proporções, a partir de uma técnica denominada fitorremediação. A exposição a poluentes como metais pesados, elementos traços ou ainda elementos tóxicos, comumente não apresentam riscos à saúde humana no curto prazo, devido as proporções as quais são encontrados geralmente no ambiente aquático, terrestre e no ar, entretanto, por se tratarem de compostos inseridos da cadeia trófica, através de um processo bioacumulativo podem surtir efeitos nocivos muito tempo após a exposição, o que dificulta o diagnóstico, cura e/ou tratamento. A fitorremediação, apresenta-se como uma das possíveis técnicas na qual uma determinada espécie de planta, no caso a E. crassipes, é exposta a um meio que apresenta uma certa concentração de determinados tipos de metais pesados e esta, possui potencial para retirá-los da matriz, contribuindo com a limpeza das águas. O aumento das concentrações de agentes poluentes não biodegradáveis, perturbam os ecossistemas e os riscos são perturbadores.
Due to the search for techniques that promote social well-being, technological development, environmental maintenance and the exploitation of natural resources in a sustainable way, this work seeks to synthesize in a clear way one of the possible methodologies of water pollution in the which refers to the recovery of water bodies of small and medium proportions, using a technique called phytoremediation. Exposure to pollutants such as heavy metals, trace elements or even toxic elements commonly pose no short-term risk to human health due to the proportions generally found in the aquatic, terrestrial and air environment, however, as they are compounds inserted from the food chain through a bioaccumulative process can have harmful effects long after exposure, which makes diagnosis, cure and / or treatment difficult. Phytoremediation is one of the possible techniques in which a particular plant species, in this case E. crassipes, is exposed to a medium that has a certain concentration of certain types of heavy metals and this has the potential to remove them the matrix, contributing to the cleanliness of the water. Increasing concentrations of non-biodegradable pollutants disrupt ecosystems and the risks are disturbing.
Due to the search for techniques that promote social well-being, technological development, environmental maintenance and the exploitation of natural resources in a sustainable way, this work seeks to synthesize in a clear way one of the possible methodologies of water pollution in the which refers to the recovery of water bodies of small and medium proportions, using a technique called phytoremediation. Exposure to pollutants such as heavy metals, trace elements or even toxic elements commonly pose no short-term risk to human health due to the proportions generally found in the aquatic, terrestrial and air environment, however, as they are compounds inserted from the food chain through a bioaccumulative process can have harmful effects long after exposure, which makes diagnosis, cure and / or treatment difficult. Phytoremediation is one of the possible techniques in which a particular plant species, in this case E. crassipes, is exposed to a medium that has a certain concentration of certain types of heavy metals and this has the potential to remove them the matrix, contributing to the cleanliness of the water. Increasing concentrations of non-biodegradable pollutants disrupt ecosystems and the risks are disturbing.
fitorremediação , Eichhornia crassipes , metais pesados , phytoremediation , heavy metals