Geolocal - A New System for Geo-Referencing: Analysis of Base Distribution
Data de publicação
Journal of Navigation
Citações (Scopus)
Macho E.P.
Pamboukian S.V.D.
Correia E.
Pamboukian S.V.D.
Correia E.
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Copyright © 2020 The Royal Institute of Navigation.Geolocal is a new navigation system conceived and patented in Brazil, whose purpose is to be independent of other global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). It has an 'inverted-GNSS' configuration with at least four bases on the ground at known geodesic position coordinates and a repeater in space. Simulations were performed to determine the precision of Geolocal using different quantities and distributions of bases. They showed that this precision is enhanced when the quantity of bases increases, as long as the elevation angles of the new bases included are higher than the average and when the bases are evenly distributed around the repeater, but mainly when the time delay at the repeater is known in advance and when the measurement errors that generate uncertainties are reduced. The position dilution of precision (PDOP) was also calculated, confirming that precision is enhanced by the quantity of bases and by their distribution.