Coopetition through Multisided Platforms Business Model: A Case Study of FEBRAFAR Value Cycle

Data de publicação
BAR - Brazilian Administration Review
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Camargo A.A.B.
Meirelles D.S.E.
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© 2024, ANPAD - Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Administracao. All rights reserved.Objective: comprehend the challenges and solutions faced by a non-technological and non-profit organization, acting within a coopetitive environment, in the construction of a multisided platform business model. Method: utilizing a qualitative case study approach, we investigated FEBRAFAR, a multisided platform of drugstore retailers, manufacturers, and service providers. Data collection and analysis was based on the following categories: (a) the methods through which the platform generates value for its diverse customer segments, (b) the intricate contours of its value configuration endeavor, and (c) its strategies for value appropriation to ensure both sustainability and growth. Results: the challenges in establishing an efficiently functioning multisided platform business model included: getting resources; member's attraction; and resistance to adopting best management practices. The solutions contained the development of value creation techniques for its varied customer segments by reducing transactional friction with customers and suppliers, a comprehensive value configuration process, and value appropriation that promote sustainability and growth to these drugstore chains. Conclusion: the paper shows how FEBRAFAR got the solution of value creation and appropriation of the platform business model by orchestrating the interactions of competing entities within the stakeholder ecosystem that engage in collaboration. By establishing clear rules and interaction protocols, a multisided platform can facilitate coordination among competing entities, thereby enabling collaborative value co-creation for all involved stakeholders. This finding contributes to the broader understanding of strategic management in multisided platforms, particularly in non-technology contexts.
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