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Grafeno e seus derivados: estudo das propriedades de superfície e processos de transferência para substratos poliméricos
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Citações (Scopus)
Costa, Mariana Caldeira Ferraz da
Fechine, Guilhermino José Macêdo
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Matos, Christiano José Santiago de
Petri, Denise Freitas Siqueira
Petri, Denise Freitas Siqueira
Engenharia de Materiais
This dissertation describes a study of surface properties of graphene obtained by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to evaluate its hydrophobicity and wetting transparency of this material deposited onto several hard substrates, for instance silicon wafer, glass, etc. To this end, contact angle measurements and the calculation of polar and dispersive components were performed to these samples, submitted or not to a thermal treatment at inert atmosphere. Moreover, a study of the influence of factors that rule transfers processes grounded in Direct Dry Transfer (DDT) of two-dimensional materials (CVD graphene and graphene oxide - GO) onto polymeric surfaces of two or three dimensions was executed, such as surface properties and chemical structure to each materials (two-dimensional and polymers) and rheological properties of polymers. The results indicated graphene is hydrophobic and partially wetting transparent due to influences of the nature of substrates in which it is deposited. However, the thermal treatment at inert atmosphere altered significantly the surface properties of this material, indicating that, for graphene, such properties are strongly influenced by molecules adsorbed onto surface, achieving results very close to those presented in the literature. Talking about transfer processes of 2D materials onto polymers surfaces, the evaluation of surface properties demonstrated to be efficient in predicting the quality and quantity of CVD graphene transferred using DDT. However, factors such as rheological properties and chemical structure must be evaluated concomitantly. Lastly, the efficacy of a technique developed to cover polymer surfaces of three-dimensional substrates with graphene oxide using injection molding processing was presented.
processos de transferência , polímero , grafeno e seus derivados , propriedades de superfície , propriedades reológicas , estrutura química
Assuntos Scopus
COSTA, Mariana Caldeira Ferraz da. Grafeno e seus derivados: estudo das propriedades de superfície e processos de transferência para substratos poliméricos. 2017. 125 f. Dissertação( Engenharia de Materiais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.