A new view at the planning marketing popular products: Exploratory study electronics sector with companies in Brazil Um novo olhar sobre o planejamento de marketing dos produtos populares: Estudo exploratório com empresas do setor eletroeletrônico no Brasil

Data de publicação
Revista Brasileira de Marketing
Citações (Scopus)
Assis E.E.
Serralvo F.A.
de Almeida Prado K.P.L.
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© 2020, REMark - Revista Brasileira de Marketing.The increased consumption of appliance and electronic products by lower-income population represented a growth opportunity for companies in the sector. The overall objective of this paper is to investigate how appliance and electronic product manufacturers draw up their marketing planning for low-end products. An exploratory approach was taken in this study, comprising the literature review and the empirical research which was conducted in two stages by combining the qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study group comprised companies affiliated with National Association of Appliance and Electronic Product Manufacturers (ELETROS). Results indicate that in 87.5% of cases the marketing planning focuses on the product. The companies are concerned to differentiate the low-end products on the market mainly by design (87.5%) and innovation (62.5%). Within this context, it seems that the opportunity for growth of the appliance and electronic product companies can be boosted when implementing specific marketing planning for low-end products. Innovation is needed in all processes from project design of the product to its distribution.
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