O gerenciamento dos processos para o abastecimento de ventiladores pulmonares durante a Covid-19
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Grund, Thaís Navarro Magalhães Silveira
Muller, William Drummond
Muller, William Drummond
Lima, Carlos Roberto Camello
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Em março de 2020, foi decretada pela OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde) o estado de Pandemia pelo vírus COVID-19 e, com isso, empresas do ramo de dispositivos e tecnologias médicas, principalmente relacionadas ao tratamento das complicações do vírus, tiveram que refazer seus planejamentos de estoque e distribuição. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar como foram os processos para que o abastecimento do produto ventilador pulmonar continuasse regular, frente à nova demanda. Para a elaboração do presente estudo, foram feitas reuniões com profissionais de áreas chaves da empresa, sendo usada a metodologia de estudo de caso de caráter qualitativo e explicativo, para entender as estratégias e o desempenho da empresa durante este período. Após as análises, com base na teoria e artigos estudados, a conclusão é que a empresa agiu de maneira adequada, dadas as condições do contexto mundial, pois garantiu o fornecimento dos produtos aos seus clientes em um momento emergencial. Assim, o gerenciamento de processos foi essencial para o não desabastecimento dos estoques da empresa aqui estudada.
In March 2020, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared the state of Pandemic by the COVID-19 virus, and, with that, companies in the field of medical devices and medical technology, mainly related to the treatment of complications of the virus, had to redo their plans of stock and distribution. Process management was essential for not running out of stocks at the company studied here. The objective of this work is to show how the processes were for the supply of the pulmonary ventilator to continue in the face of new demand. For the preparation of this study, meetings were held with professionals from key areas so that the company could do it, and the case study methodology of a qualitative and explanatory nature was used to understand the company's strategies and performance during this period. After the analyses, based on theories and studied articles, the conclusion is that the company acted correctly, given the conditions of the world context, as it guaranteed the products to its customers in an emergency.
In March 2020, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared the state of Pandemic by the COVID-19 virus, and, with that, companies in the field of medical devices and medical technology, mainly related to the treatment of complications of the virus, had to redo their plans of stock and distribution. Process management was essential for not running out of stocks at the company studied here. The objective of this work is to show how the processes were for the supply of the pulmonary ventilator to continue in the face of new demand. For the preparation of this study, meetings were held with professionals from key areas so that the company could do it, and the case study methodology of a qualitative and explanatory nature was used to understand the company's strategies and performance during this period. After the analyses, based on theories and studied articles, the conclusion is that the company acted correctly, given the conditions of the world context, as it guaranteed the products to its customers in an emergency.
gerenciamento de crise , gerenciamento de processos , ventilador pulmonar , crisis management , process management , forecast , pulmonary ventilator