O lugar do pastor jubilado na igreja
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Almeida, Rita Coelho de Mello de
Gomes, Antonio Máspoli de Araújo
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Pereira, João Baptista Borges
Pazinato, Patricia
Pazinato, Patricia
Ciências da Religião
As Ciências da Religião são um tipo de ciência que precisa da pesquisa constante pois, muitos são os temas que orbitam nos seus domínios, desde aspectos bíblicos, passando por sua relação com a sociedade até o dia-a-dia da vida dos religiosos, esta vasta gama aliada dinâmica do mundo atual precisa ser continuamente estudada. Entre os temas possíveis encontrou-se a vida do pastor que após anos de estudos, prestação de serviços a comunidade e a sociedade e de remuneração financeira para sua atividade vê-se com 70 anos exonerado. Com a exoneração compulsória como fica a vida do pastor presbiteriano? A presente dissertação tem como objetivos a analise do lugar ocupado pelo pastor presbiteriano na igreja após a sua jubilação, analisando ainda os conflitos advindos nos aspectos sociais e patrimoniais após a jubilação. Para tanto, usará a metodologia dedutiva partindo da pesquisa bibliográfica do assunto nas mais diversas fontes cientificas, como por exemplo o senso da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil/2010 e os índices de desenvolvimento Humano(IDH), bem como nos ordenamentos da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil. Pretende-se com o presente trabalho apresentar todas as questões relacionadas com o tema e apresentar uma solução digna para a vida do pastor após a jubilação e da mesma forma atual tendo em vista os atuais aumento na expectativa de vida e da qualidade de vida dos seres humanos, respeitando assim os direitos de personalidade do idoso. Esta dissertação analisa a situação fática da jubilação do pastor presbiteriano ao completar 70 anos. Este fato é uma realidade em toda Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil, porém as conseqüências na vida social e patrimonial deste fato é pouco discutida. A vida do pastor presbiteriano é regrada por seus estudos e a aplicação dos mesmos nos ensinamentos para a comunidade das diversas maneiras possíveis. Após anos e anos de cumplicidade o pastor sabe que aos 70 anos será jubilado, porém atualmente ter 70 anos é bem diferente do que ter 70 anos há 10, 20 ou mais anos atrás. O índice de expectativa de vida aumenta a cada ano no Brasil e na maioria dos países do mundo, além disso, a qualidade de vida é cada vez melhor devido ao maior conhecimento da sociedade e a prática de atitudes saudáveis e estudos médicos. Todos esses fatores levam ao questionamento da necessidade de jubilação aos 70 anos, uma vez que muitas vezes o pastor nessa idade nos dias de hoje pode estar no auge de seus conhecimentos e ensinamentos para a comunidade. Todavia, esta é a realidade, a jubilação hoje altera significativamente os aspectos da vida social e patrimonial do pastor. O pastor enquanto na ativa leva uma vida social de acordo com suas tarefas e obrigações, mas se ver de uma hora para outra obrigado a refazer suas atividades, sua rotina, suas tarefas e obrigações podem ter diversos resultados que serão analisados por essa pesquisa. Além disso, da mesma forma, o pastor quando da jubilação terá sua vida patrimonial afetada a princípio, a não ser que o mesmo em conjunto com a Igreja desenvolvam um plano de aposentadoria. Estes aspectos de extrema importância para a condução digna e correta da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil, além de outros correlacionados é que serão abordados neste trabalho com o intuído de solucionar esta grande questão atual que envolve o pastor presbiteriano.
The Science of Religion is a kind of science that needs constant research because there are many issues that revolve in their fields, from biblical aspects, through its relationship with the company until the day-to-day life of the religious, this wide dynamic range combined with the world today needs to be continuously studied. Among the possible subjects met the life of the pastor who after years of studies, provision of services to the community and society and financial remuneration for their activity is seen in 70 years exonerated. With the dismissal is mandatory as the life of the Presbyterian minister? This dissertation aims to analyze the place occupied by the Presbyterian minister in the church after his retirement, still analyzing the conflicts arising in the social and property after retirement. To do so, use the deductive approach starting from the literature of the subject in various scientific sources, as well as the orders of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil. The intention with this paper to present all the issues related to the topic and present a dignified solution to life after the retirement of the pastor and the same current form given the current increase in life expectancy and quality of life of human beings humans, thus respecting the personal rights of the elderly. This dissertation examines the factual situation of the Presbyterian minister's retirement age of 70. This fact is true throughout the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, but the consequences in social life and heritage of this fact is rarely discussed. The life of a Presbyterian pastor is ruled by his studies and applying them to the community in the teachings of the various possible ways. After years of complicity pastor knows that the age of 70 will be retired, but currently have 70 years is quite different than having 70 years 10, 20 or more years ago. The index of life expectancy increases every year in Brazil and in most countries of the world, moreover, the quality of life is getting better due to greater knowledge of society and the practice of healthy attitudes and medical studies. All these factors lead to questioning the need for retirement at 70, since many times the pastor at that age these days can be at the peak of his knowledge and teachings to the community. However, this is the reality, the jubilation today significantly alter the social aspects of life and property of the pastor. The pastor takes a while in active social life according to their duties and obligations, but if you see a sudden you have to redo their activities, their routine tasks and duties may have several results that will be analyzed in this research. Moreover, as the pastor of retirement when his life has affected the equity principle, unless the same together with the Church to develop a retirement plan. These aspects of extreme importance for the correct and dignified conduct of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, and other related is to be addressed in this work with the intuit to solve this major issue surrounding the current Presbyterian minister.
The Science of Religion is a kind of science that needs constant research because there are many issues that revolve in their fields, from biblical aspects, through its relationship with the company until the day-to-day life of the religious, this wide dynamic range combined with the world today needs to be continuously studied. Among the possible subjects met the life of the pastor who after years of studies, provision of services to the community and society and financial remuneration for their activity is seen in 70 years exonerated. With the dismissal is mandatory as the life of the Presbyterian minister? This dissertation aims to analyze the place occupied by the Presbyterian minister in the church after his retirement, still analyzing the conflicts arising in the social and property after retirement. To do so, use the deductive approach starting from the literature of the subject in various scientific sources, as well as the orders of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil. The intention with this paper to present all the issues related to the topic and present a dignified solution to life after the retirement of the pastor and the same current form given the current increase in life expectancy and quality of life of human beings humans, thus respecting the personal rights of the elderly. This dissertation examines the factual situation of the Presbyterian minister's retirement age of 70. This fact is true throughout the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, but the consequences in social life and heritage of this fact is rarely discussed. The life of a Presbyterian pastor is ruled by his studies and applying them to the community in the teachings of the various possible ways. After years of complicity pastor knows that the age of 70 will be retired, but currently have 70 years is quite different than having 70 years 10, 20 or more years ago. The index of life expectancy increases every year in Brazil and in most countries of the world, moreover, the quality of life is getting better due to greater knowledge of society and the practice of healthy attitudes and medical studies. All these factors lead to questioning the need for retirement at 70, since many times the pastor at that age these days can be at the peak of his knowledge and teachings to the community. However, this is the reality, the jubilation today significantly alter the social aspects of life and property of the pastor. The pastor takes a while in active social life according to their duties and obligations, but if you see a sudden you have to redo their activities, their routine tasks and duties may have several results that will be analyzed in this research. Moreover, as the pastor of retirement when his life has affected the equity principle, unless the same together with the Church to develop a retirement plan. These aspects of extreme importance for the correct and dignified conduct of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, and other related is to be addressed in this work with the intuit to solve this major issue surrounding the current Presbyterian minister.
pastor presbiteriano , jubilação , efeitos sociais , efeitos patrimoniais , violência eclesiástica , velhice do pastor , presbyterian minister , jubilation , social effects , equity effects
Assuntos Scopus
ALMEIDA, Rita Coelho de Mello de. O lugar do pastor jubilado na igreja. 2012. 117 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2012.