Diferença entre templates de autômatos celulares unidimensionais binários
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Soares Junior, Zorandir
Oliveira, Pedro Paulo Balbi de
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Omar, Nizam
Mendonça, José Ricardo Gonçalves de
Mendonça, José Ricardo Gonçalves de
Engenharia Elétrica
Templates are formal representations for sets of one-dimensional cellular
automata created by means of a generalisation of the classical state transition
tables. Algorithms already do exist in the literature that generate
templates for static properties of cellular automata rules, as well as others
that perform operations such as intersection between templates and template
expansion. Here, we introduce the exception template operation, the
operation of di erence between templates, and explain the functioning of
the algorithm of those operations, which have been implemented in the
CATemplates package of the Mathematica software. We also discuss the
possibility of using templates in the context of the parity problem {namely,
the determination of the parity of 1s in a cyclic binary con guration of odd
length{ with the support of the operation of di erence between templates,
and of the template generation of parity conserving and state conserving
cellular automata.
autômatos celulares , templates , diferença entre templates , templates de exceção , propriedades estáticas
Assuntos Scopus
SOARES JUNIOR, Zorandir. Diferença entre templates de autômatos celulares unidimensionais binários. 2016. 43 f. Dissertação ( Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .