Sistemas de depuração de polpa virgem e reciclada em fábricas de papel e cartão, com ênfase no conceito de dispersão á quente
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Santos, João Artur de Camargo
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O Presente trabalho tem como objetivo, abordar o ambiente do preparo de massa, com o enfoque na depuração de fibras oriundas de aparas de papeis usados. O intuito principal foi de discutir equipamentos de depuração pesada e principalmente discutir sobre a utilização de sistemas de dispersão de contaminantes, especialmente os que recorrem á elevação de temperatura durante o tratamento – denominados dispersão á quente. Este sistema por suas características de consumo de energia elevado e alto valor de investimento é bastante discutido em novas aplicações, sobretudo quando comparado á novas tecnologias. O trabalho quer demonstrar a sua eficiência positiva sobre a depuração final e a sua real necessidade de aplicação quando o nível de contaminantes na polpa fibrosa é elevado e composto por produtos químicos resinados (parafina, hot-melt, barreira água etc.) inseridos ao longo do processo de fabricação em função de alguma necessidade de aplicação. Estes tipos de contaminantes quando processados em um processo de reciclagem e depuração convencional, geram resíduos, comumente chamados de Stickies, que são incompatíveis á qualidade visual do papel. Além disso, inevitavelmente afetam o andamento de máquina gerando quebras da folha e deposição. Outro fator importante é para certos tipos de aparas oriundas de papeis com cobertura e impressos, a grande variação de pigmentos utilizada na formulação das tintas impressoras, incorrem em pintas e manchas ao papel, que em muitos casos só podem ser minimizadas ou até eliminados através de dispersão. A pesquisa teórica e bibliográfica foi baseada em livros acadêmico-científicos, apostilas de treinamento, publicações de artigos do gênero e manuais de equipamentos, voltados para as áreas de engenharia, mecânica e processo de fabricação de papel. Pretende-se também, comparar de forma exploratória e não experimental o material teórico com alguns dados de fábrica.
The present work is focused in discuss about the stock preparation environment, with the focus on depuration of fibers derived from parings of paper used. The main purpose was to discuss heavy equipment depuration and mainly discuss the use of dispersion of contaminants systems, especially those uses high temperature during the treatment - called hot dispersion. These systems due to its characteristics of high energy consumption and high investment value are much discussed in new applications, especially when new technologies will be compared. The work either demonstrate their positive effectiveness on final depuration and the real need for the application when the contaminants level in the fiber pulp are pretty higher and compound by chemical resin (paraffin wax, hot melt, water barrier etc.) inserted along the manufacturing process according to some application need. These types of contaminants when processed in a recycle process and conventional depuration, creates residual waste, commonly called stickies, which are incompatible visual quality of the paper. Furthermore, inevitably affects the machine runability and generating web breaks and deposition. Another important factor is for certain types of parings derived from printed and coated papers, the wide variation of pigments used in ink formulations printers incur spots and stains the paper, which in many cases may be minimized or even eliminated through dispersion devices. Theoretical research and literature was based on academic and scientific books, training handouts, publications of articles and books of the genre equipment, focused on the areas of engineering, mechanical and process of papermaking. It is also intended to compare in an exploratory way and not experimental, the theoretical material with some manufacturing data.
The present work is focused in discuss about the stock preparation environment, with the focus on depuration of fibers derived from parings of paper used. The main purpose was to discuss heavy equipment depuration and mainly discuss the use of dispersion of contaminants systems, especially those uses high temperature during the treatment - called hot dispersion. These systems due to its characteristics of high energy consumption and high investment value are much discussed in new applications, especially when new technologies will be compared. The work either demonstrate their positive effectiveness on final depuration and the real need for the application when the contaminants level in the fiber pulp are pretty higher and compound by chemical resin (paraffin wax, hot melt, water barrier etc.) inserted along the manufacturing process according to some application need. These types of contaminants when processed in a recycle process and conventional depuration, creates residual waste, commonly called stickies, which are incompatible visual quality of the paper. Furthermore, inevitably affects the machine runability and generating web breaks and deposition. Another important factor is for certain types of parings derived from printed and coated papers, the wide variation of pigments used in ink formulations printers incur spots and stains the paper, which in many cases may be minimized or even eliminated through dispersion devices. Theoretical research and literature was based on academic and scientific books, training handouts, publications of articles and books of the genre equipment, focused on the areas of engineering, mechanical and process of papermaking. It is also intended to compare in an exploratory way and not experimental, the theoretical material with some manufacturing data.
Depuração , Stickies , Dispersão à quente