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- TeseAnálise da relação entre a lactacidemia, força muscular e composição corporal entre o pré e o pós-operatório de derivação gástrica em y de roux em mulheresRibeiro, Guido Assis Cachuba de Sá (2019-01-02)
Faculdade Evangélica Mackenzie do Paraná (FEMPAR)
Lactate is a compound naturally produced in the human body, being the end product of glucose metabolism. Lactacidemia is characterized by the serum levels of lactate found in the blood. The objective of this study was to verify if there is pertinence in the verification of the serum figures of at-rest capillary lactate in the routine exams in the pre and postoperative in the individuals selected for the Laparoscopic Gastroplasty And Roux en Y Bypass surgery, through the correlation of these figures with the components of body composition and generalized muscle strength. Methods: This study was conducted at the Paulo Nassif Institute with patients from the bariatric surgery service of the University Hospital of Faculdade Evangélica Mackenzie do Paraná, in Curitiba-PR. The sample consisted of 21 female patients aged between 18 and 55, with a body mass index (BMI) between 36.6 and 56.7 kg/m². Baseline lactate levels, body components, manual grip strength, lower limbs and lumbars were evaluated in obese patients four months before and four months after the Laparoscopic Gastroplasty And Roux en Y Bypass surgical procedure. Results: in this study, when analyzing the lactacidemia, the absolute figures were not statistically significant (p≤0.05). But when relating to normative figures parametrically, 71.4% of the preoperative sample presented above normal figures, while 28.57% presented normal figures of lactate levels. In the postoperative period, 57% presented above normal figures, 19% normal figures and 24% below the reference figures. There was an average reduction in lactacidemia of 20.8%. The relationship between total fat and fat percentage also decreased, but both were still above the reference figures. There was an average increase in muscle mass of 6.4%, but the sum of absolute forces was significant (p≤0.05) in force loss, with an average decrease of 19%. Conclusion: in the sample involved in this research, taking into consideration the methods used and the previous studies developed, it is possible to interpret how the characteristics of strength and body composition in the postoperative period of Laparoscopic Gastroplasty And Roux en Y Bypass bariatric surgery technique in women will behave, from baseline capillary lactate preoperative figures, allowing its uptake to be part of the preoperative routine in bariatric surgeries.