Engenharia Elétrica e Computação - Teses - EE Higienópolis
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- TeseOERTrust : um framework para aferição de confiabilidade em recursos educacionais abertos baseado em testes de softwareAlmendro, Douglas (2019-05-30)
Escola de Engenharia Mackenzie (EE)
Open Educational Resources (OER) have become important elements for teaching and learning, whether face-to-face, hybrid or distance education. Their flexibility makes them suitable to be basic materials for different teaching and learning situations. However, issues related to OER quality assurance become frequent, taking into account the nature of such resources, as they allow for versioning, which may include substantial modifications that may have an impact on the reliability of the resource. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss systemic mechanisms for OER quality assurance, considering the possibilities of revision, redistribution and remixing. To do so, the execution of tests in such resources may indicate a mechanism of quality assessment, being necessary to rely on areas of knowledge with sufficient theoretical basis in tests, such as Software Engineering. In this sense, the present thesis aims to verify the applicability of a set of tests, inspired in the area of Software Engineering, applied to the quality verification of OER. In order to do so, it is proposed and implemented a framework to support the quality evaluation of REAs, called OERTrust, as well as to reinterpret a set of Software Engineering tests, adapting them to the OER scope. As a proof of concept, tests were carried out with experts and potential users in educational videos conceived as OER, for which an iT reliability index based on the principles of Fuzzy Logic is calculated, which indicates an OER quality trend. With this work, we hope to make a significant contribution to the discussions about OER quality assurance, subsidising a more effective adoption of OER, thus enhancing the democratization of access to quality educational materials.