Centro de Rádio Astronomia e Astrofísica Mackenzie (CRAAM)
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- TeseDetecção de periodicidade em dados multi frequência de núcleos ativos de galáxias com aprendizagem de máquina (XGBoost)Soltau, Samuel Bueno (2019-10-08)
Escola de Engenharia Mackenzie (EE)
Um dos principais aspectos de interesse nas rádio-fontes compactas é sua variabilidade. Este estudo utiliza um método de aprendizado de máquina chamado eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) para investigar a periodicidade das rádio-fontes PKS1921-293eBL Lac 2200+420 por meio do tratamento e análise de curvas de luz,apartir dos dados do Observatório de Radio astronomia da Universidade de Michigan(UMRAO), obtidos na faixa rádio em 4, 8 GHz, 8, 0 GHz e 14, 5 GHz. Os períodos de tempo cobertos para PKS 1921-293,respectivamente nessas frequências,foram de1980 a 2011,de1975 a 2011 e de1976 a 2011 e para BLLac2200+420,respectivamente nas mesmas frequências foram 1977 a 2012,de1968 a 2012 e de 1974 a 2012.O XGBoost foi usado em duas etapas do método:na regularização de séries temporais afim de se obter dados de densidadede fluxo regularmente espaçado se para classificar flutuações na densidade de fluxo dos dois objetos estudados afim de se detectara ocorrência de periodicidade de outburst. Para cada etapa metodológica efetuou-se fases de treinamento com propósitos distintos.N aetapa de regularização das séries temporais, XGBoost foi capaz de produzir série stemporais regularmenteespaçadasparacurvasdeluzcomdadosdiários.Na busca por periodicidade, XGBoost identificou segmentos de dados nos quais see stimou a ocorrênciade outburst. Tanto para BLLac2200+420,quanto para PKS1921-293,as periodicidades encontradas foram comparadas com as existentes na literatura.Arobustez da biblioteca XGBoost proporcionou a oportunidade de se utilizar uma metodologia baseada em Machine Learning nos dado sem rádio e extrair informações com estratégias bastante distintas das utilizadas tradicionalmente para tratamento de séries temporais irregularmente espaçada se para a obtenção de periodicidade por meio de classificação de eventos recorrentes. - TeseModelagem do comportamento temporal do quasar 3C273 utilizando técnicas de aprendizado de máquinaFerrari, Ricardo Bulcão Valente (2019-02-15)
Escola de Engenharia Mackenzie (EE)
Using machine-learning techniques, this work aims to model the temporal behavior from an extragalactic radio source, the quasar 3C273, register in well-sampled light curves, applying this result to less sampled curves, so it would be possible to fill gaps that have occurred in moments in which the observations were not possible. It is also intended to study this object from the point of view of its spectral and temporal variability in the radio range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The 3C273 quasar has been monitored in radio since 1963 (Schmidt, 1963) at various frequencies and was chosen for this work because of the large amount of data available. Data from several Radio Observatories were used, such as the Radio Observatory of Itapetinga (ROI) future ROPK – Radio Observatory Pierre Kaufmann, at 22 and 43 GHz; of the Michigan Radio Observatory (UMRAO) at 4,8, 8, 14,5 GHz and the Metsähovi Radio Observatory at 22 and 37 GHz. Millimetric and submillimetric data were also used, at 1.1 and 0.8 mm from Submillimetric Interferometer Array (SMA) and at X-rays, in the range of 2-10 keV (Trueler et al. 1999; Soldi et al. 2008). Firstly we developed a code based on genetic algorithm (GA), which is a good tool to adjust the data to the observed data. However, for the GA work properly, a previous model for the fitting function is necessary, and for this reason a study of a more appropriate technique, that do not require a previous model, was performed. The artificial neural networks (ANN) mimic the learning process of the human brain, forming and applying the knowledge gained from past experiences to new problems or situations. With the mathematical development of the neural network, new and more complex architectures could be developed. In this work, a Recurrent Neural Network type called Long and Short Time Memory (LSTM) was used, which proved to be an excellent choice to model the light curves of the 3C273 quasar and to make predictions on daily light curves. - TeseUso do periodograma de lomb e da transformada Wavelet para detecção de periodicidades em radiofontes extragalácticasGastaldi, Marcio Ribeiro (2016-12-16)
Escola de Engenharia Mackenzie (EE)
In the present work we applied the Lomb periodogram and the wavelet transform to the light curves of three extragalactic radio sources observed by the Michigan radio telescope at 4.8 GHz, 8.0 GHz and 14.5 GHz. The results obtained using the two spectral analysis tools are complimentary to each other in the sense that the wavelet transform provided the perspective of the temporal behavior of the Lomb periodogram content. In order to take into account as much information as possible, we included VLBI data to the analysis of explosions detected in the radio light curves. Moreover, we searched for correlation between the zero-separation times and maxima/minima found in the periodicities curves revealed by the wavelet transform. In the case of the quasar OJ287 we found a new oscillatory behavior in the ~1.6 yr periodicity detected by Hughes et al. (1999). This modulation showed a ~6 yr period sinusoidal profile that agrees with the existence of a binary of black holes regulating the ejection rate of plasmons from the central region of OJ287. We detected approximately 1.6 yr and 3.3 yr periodicities of the quasar OV236. As a future work, these periodicities and their temporal behavior could be associated to the accretion dynamics of its black hole/disk. We added the radio source 0333+321 to the present essay because it presents excellent sampling and a much higher redshift when compared to OJ287 and OV236. We also plotted the spectra of selected outbursts and calculated the parameters of the related radio emission regions such as the variability radius and the brightness temperature. - TeseUso do periodograma de Lomb e da transformada Wavelet para detecção de periodicidades em radiofontes extragalácticasGastaldi, Márcio Ribeiro (2016-12-16)
Escola de Engenharia Mackenzie (EE)
Neste trabalho foram aplicados o periodograma de Lomb e a transformada wavelet às curvas de luz de três radiofontes extragalácticas obtidas por meio do uso de dados do radiotelescópio de Michigan em 4,8 GHz, 8,0 GHz e 14,5 GHz. As duas ferramentas de análise apresentaram resultados complementares, pois a transformada wavelet proporcionou a perspectiva do comportamento temporal das periodicidades obtidas através do periodograma de Lomb. Com o objetivo de realizar um estudo mais abrangente, dados de VLBI foram utilizados na análise de explosões detectadas nas curvas de luz. Além disso, buscou-se alguma correlação entre os momentos de ejeção de plasmons e máximos/mínimos encontrados na evolução temporal das periodicidades reveladas por meio da transformada wavelet. No caso do quasar OJ287 detectou-se de maneira inédita um padrão de oscilação na periodicidade de ~1,6 ano detectada por Hughes et al. (1999). Essa modulação apresentou padrão aproximadamente senoidal com período de ~6 anos, o que estaria de acordo com a hipótese de que na região central de OJ287 existe um binário de buracos negros supermassivos que afeta a taxa de ejeção de plasmons do disco de acresção do buraco negro primário. Foram detectadas periodicidades de aproximadamente 1,6 e 3,3 anos para o quasar OV236. Como trabalho futuro, essas periodicidades e a sua variação temporal podem ser associadas à dinâmica de acresção de matéria do seu sistema buraco negro/disco. A radiofonte 0333+321 foi acrescentada a este estudo por apresentar excelente amostragem e um desvio para o vermelho muito maior em comparação com OJ287 e OV236. Foram obtidos espectros das explosões e foram calculados os parâmetros físicos das respectivas regiões de emissão rádio, como o raio de variabilidade e a temperatura de brilhância. - TeseUtilizando algoritmo de cross-entropy para a modelagem de imagens de núcleos ativos de galáxias obtidas com o VLBAPerianhes, Roberto Vitoriano (2017-08-09)
Escola de Engenharia Mackenzie (EE)
The images obtained by interferometers such as VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array) and VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry), remain the direct evidence of relativistic jets and outbursts associated with supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGN). The study of these images are critical tools to the use of information from these observations, since they are one of the main ingredients for synthesis codes7 of extragalactic objects. In this thesis is used both synthetic and observed images. The VLBA images show 2-dimensional observations generated from complex 3-dimensional astrophysical processes. In this sense, one of the main difficulties of the models is the definition of parameters of functions and equations to reproduce macroscopic and dynamic physical formation events of these objects, so that images could be study reliably and on a large scale. One of the goals of this thesis is to elaborate a generic8 form of observations, assuming that the formation of these objects had origin directly by similar astrophysical processes, given the information of certain parameters of the formation events. The definition of parameters that reproduce the observations are key to the generalization formation of sources and extragalactic jets. Most observation articles have focus on few or even unique objects. The purpose of this project is to implement an innovative method, more robust and efficient, for modeling and rendering projects of various objects, such as the MOJAVE Project, which monitors several quasars simultaneously offering a diverse library for creating models (Quasars9 and Blazars10: OVV11 and BL Lacertae12). In this thesis was implemented a dynamic way to study these objects. Presents in this thesis the adaptation of the Cross-Entropy algorithm for the calibration of the parameters of astrophysical events that summarize the actual events of the VLBA observations. The development of the code of the adaptation structure includes the possibility of extension to any image, assuming that these images are dispose in intensities (Jy/beam) distributed in Right Ascension (AR) and Declination (DEC) maps. The code is validating by searching for self-convergence to synthetic models with the same structure, i.e, realistics simulations of components ejection, in milliarcsecond, similar to the observations of the MOJAVE project in 15.3 GHz. With the use of the parameters major semi-axis, angle of position, eccentricity and intensity applied individually to each observed component, it was possible to calculate the structure of the sources, the velocities of the jets, as well as the conversion in flux density to obtain light curves. Through the light curve, the brightness temperature, the Doppler factor, the Lorentz factor and the observation angle of the extragalactic objects can be estimated with precision. The objects OJ 287, 4C +15.05, 3C 279 and 4C +29.45 are studied in this thesis due the fact that they have different and complex morphologies for a more complete study.