Levantamento de requisitos : técnicas e ferramentas para levantamento de requisitos em desenvolvimento de sistemas
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Kiefer, Eduardo
Andrade, Kassya Christina Rigolon de
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O processo de levantamento de requisitos é fundamental para o sucesso ou fracasso de um sistema. Quando bem definido e estruturado pode auxiliar na busca de requisitos detalhados com clareza, facilitando a fase de desenvolvimento do software. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo dos conceitos de Engenharia de Requisitos, assim como as técnicas de levantamento de requisitos. As técnicas são descritas e seus processo relacionados, assim como as situações em que são mais indicadas. Escolher a técnica correta de levantamento de requisitos cria condições para que os requisitos sejam mais bem especificados e para que as possíveis falhas no desenvolvimento de sistemas fiquem dentro de uma faixa aceitável e tolerável, tendo como resultado final, softwares com muito mais qualidade.
The process of requirements gathering is critical to the success or failure of a system. When well defined and structured can help find the detailed requirements clearly, facilitating the development phase of the software. The objective of this paper is to present a study of the concepts of Requirements Engineering as well as the technical requirements elicitation. Such techniques are described and its related process, as well as the situations that are most suitable. Choose the correct technique for gathering requirements creates conditions for the requirements are further specified and the possible failures in systems development are within an acceptable range and tolerable, with the final result, with much higher quality software.
The process of requirements gathering is critical to the success or failure of a system. When well defined and structured can help find the detailed requirements clearly, facilitating the development phase of the software. The objective of this paper is to present a study of the concepts of Requirements Engineering as well as the technical requirements elicitation. Such techniques are described and its related process, as well as the situations that are most suitable. Choose the correct technique for gathering requirements creates conditions for the requirements are further specified and the possible failures in systems development are within an acceptable range and tolerable, with the final result, with much higher quality software.
Engenharia de requisitos , Escopo , Análise de requisitos , Gestão de projetos