A influência do Design Thinking como vantagem competitiva em projetos
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Sitnikas, Aline Serehi
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Dentro do cenário competitivo, caracterizado pelas constantes mudanças, as organizações buscam a inovação contínua para gerar vantagem competitiva e obter destaque no mundo dos negócios. No mercado atual, o design é considerado como elemento estratégico e diferencial competitivo das empresas, visto que agrega valor aos seus produtos e serviços, além de gerar a inovação. Para cumprir com eficácia e eficiência este papel, deve ocorrer a gestão do design, onde o design deve estar estreitamente ligado à gestão das organizações às quais faz parte. Por sua vez, administrar os projetos de design significa planejar a gestão do desenvolvimento de novos produtos e deve envolver conhecimento sobre gestão, assim como das atividades de design. Neste contexto surge o DesignThinking, como um processo para manter a vantagem competitiva dentro das corporações, sendo diretamente ligado ao design e a inovação. Este trabalho visa entender a importância do design, a sua gestão e a influência do Design Thinking como vantagem competitiva em projetos. Para formar a base do referencial teórico, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica, onde foram tomados como referência, livros, artigos e periódicos da área de design, gestão de design, inovação e Design Thinking.
Inside the competitive scenario, characterized by the constant changes, the companies seek for continuous innovations in order to generate competitive advantage and obtain some notoriety in the business world. In the current market, the design is considered as an strategy element and competitive differential of the companies, seeing that aggregates values to the products and services, further more generating the innovation. To fulfill with effectiveness and efficiency this role, must occur design management, where the design must be narrowly connected to the management of the organizations which is part of. On the other hand, manage the design projects means to program the management of new products development and must involve knowledge about management, as the design activities. In this context emerges the Design Thinking, as an process to maintain the competitive advantage within the corporations, being directly related to design and innovation. This work aim to understand the design value, management and the influence of the Design Thinking as a competitive advantage in projects. To form the basis of the theoretical references, was conducted a bibliographic research, where were taken as references, books, articles, periodicals in the field of design, design management, design thinking and innovation.
Inside the competitive scenario, characterized by the constant changes, the companies seek for continuous innovations in order to generate competitive advantage and obtain some notoriety in the business world. In the current market, the design is considered as an strategy element and competitive differential of the companies, seeing that aggregates values to the products and services, further more generating the innovation. To fulfill with effectiveness and efficiency this role, must occur design management, where the design must be narrowly connected to the management of the organizations which is part of. On the other hand, manage the design projects means to program the management of new products development and must involve knowledge about management, as the design activities. In this context emerges the Design Thinking, as an process to maintain the competitive advantage within the corporations, being directly related to design and innovation. This work aim to understand the design value, management and the influence of the Design Thinking as a competitive advantage in projects. To form the basis of the theoretical references, was conducted a bibliographic research, where were taken as references, books, articles, periodicals in the field of design, design management, design thinking and innovation.
Inovação , Design , Gestão do Design , Design Thinking , Vantagem competitiva