Produção Enxuta
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Brito, Alexandre Soares de
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O Sistema de Produção Enxuta ou simplesmente Sistema Toyota de Produção (STP) vem sendo utilizado ao redor do mundo como uma importante ferramenta de trabalho para se alcançar a perfeição produtiva reduzindo tempos de produção, eliminando desperdícios e aumentando a competitividade que o mercado altamente globalizado vem exigindo de seus gestores e engenheiros. Essa pesquisa visa mostrar as principais ferramentas e filosofias de trabalhos que os gestores estão utilizando para suas principais conquistas operacionais, focando as lideranças em seus segmentos. A compreensão de toda a filosofia STP, além do investimento em treinamento de mão de obra qualificada para cada tipo de processo ou tarefa somada a uma disciplina aplicada a metodologia tanto na sua instalação quanto na sua manutenção devem fazer com que os gestores alcancem cada vez mais seus principais objetivos em um curto espaço de tempo.
The lean production system or simply the Toyota production system (TPS) has been used around the world as an important working tool for achieving perfection in production by reducing production times, eliminating waste and increasing the competitiveness that the highly globalized market is demanding of their managers and engineers. This research aims to show the main tools and philosophies of jobs that managers are using to its main operational achievements, focusing on leaders in their segments. The understanding of the whole philosophy STP, in addition to investment in training of skilled labor for each type of process or task with a discipline applied the methodology in their installation and maintenance should cause managers to achieve their goals more and more in a short time.
The lean production system or simply the Toyota production system (TPS) has been used around the world as an important working tool for achieving perfection in production by reducing production times, eliminating waste and increasing the competitiveness that the highly globalized market is demanding of their managers and engineers. This research aims to show the main tools and philosophies of jobs that managers are using to its main operational achievements, focusing on leaders in their segments. The understanding of the whole philosophy STP, in addition to investment in training of skilled labor for each type of process or task with a discipline applied the methodology in their installation and maintenance should cause managers to achieve their goals more and more in a short time.
Produção enxuta , Sistema Toyota de Produção , Modelo Toyota