Procedimentos para antecipação dos problemas comuns, com soluções e dicas para a manutenção e recuperação de edifícios
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Granato, Ana Paula Medeiros Branco
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O presente trabalho informa sobre as diversas patologias sofridas em edificações em uso as quais na maior parte das vezes são acometidas ainda em fase de construção e poderiam ser evitadas se tomado o devido cuidado. São explanadas as causas de maior procedência de patologias e as atitudes corretas para execução a fim de demonstrar os procedimentos com antecipação dos problemas para evitar a ocorrências futuras. Num segundo momento apresenta a importância de métodos de manutenção e vistoria a fim de garantir que seja cumprida a vida útil da edificação e até mesmo prolongada.
Apresenta também uma analogia dos problemas patológicos em empreendimentos concluídos e entregues ao consumidor final e quais são seus direitos perante a justiça brasileira, indicando quais são os prazos para reivindicar a solução dos problemas e quais procedimentos devem ser tomados, faz uma comparação entre o Código Civil e o Código de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor (CDC).
This paper reports on the various pathologies suffered in buildings in use which in most cases are affected still under construction and could be avoided if taken proper care. Are explained the causes of most diseases and origin of the right attitudes to implementation in order to demonstrate the procedures in anticipation of problems to prevent future occurrences. In a second step introduces the importance of maintenance and inspection methods to ensure it is satisfied the life of the building and even extended. It also presents an analogy of pathological problems in projects completed and delivered to the final consumer and what your rights are before the Brazilian courts, indicating which periods to claim the solution of the problems and what procedures should be taken, a comparison between the Brazilian Civil Code and the Brazilian Code of Consumer Protection (CDC).
This paper reports on the various pathologies suffered in buildings in use which in most cases are affected still under construction and could be avoided if taken proper care. Are explained the causes of most diseases and origin of the right attitudes to implementation in order to demonstrate the procedures in anticipation of problems to prevent future occurrences. In a second step introduces the importance of maintenance and inspection methods to ensure it is satisfied the life of the building and even extended. It also presents an analogy of pathological problems in projects completed and delivered to the final consumer and what your rights are before the Brazilian courts, indicating which periods to claim the solution of the problems and what procedures should be taken, a comparison between the Brazilian Civil Code and the Brazilian Code of Consumer Protection (CDC).
Construção civil , Patologia , Edificação