Fênix: móveis emergenciais
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Carvalho, Leonardo de
Rosa, Ireneide Uliana
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Este estudo baseou-se essencialmente nas frequentes ocorrências de desastres naturais ocorridas nas últimas décadas, principalmente em regiões que compõe o Brasil, e sua consequência direta com relação a população que habita estes locais, descrevendo de uma forma sucinta a relação entre o sujeito, a sociedade e o meio ambiente. Enfatizando a importância que os móveis exercem na vida dos seres humanos, o trabalho tem como foco o desenvolvimento de um móvel emergencial, fabricado de chapas de papelão ondulado, que priorizaram sistemas de encaixes, além de outras possíveis propostas de mobiliário, que podem ser projetados com o mesmo caráter. A fim de colaborar na reconstrução da vida e da auto-estima de famílias que foram vitimas de acidentes naturais, se faz necessário pensar em alternativas que possam amenizar os transtornos ocasionados, já que ainda não se dá a devida atenção para este assunto, parte da população menos favorecida sofre com as consequências materiais e imateriais. Com o impacto da Revolução Industrial frente a maneira de viver das populações, e consequentemente ao atendimento imediato de seus anseios e desejos, atualmente se vive em um colapso social e ambiental, no qual se está a mercê das reivindicações da natureza. A metodologia de trabalho está alicerçada aos conceitos do Design Social, no qual o olhar do designer é diferenciado, com o propósito de propor soluções em comunhão com a sustentabilidade e com o desenvolvimento social.
This study was based essentially on frequent occurrences of natural disasters that have occurred in recent decades, particularly in regions that make up Brazil, and its direct consequence in relation to population living in these places, succinctly describing the relationship between man, society and the environment. Emphasizing the importance of the mobile exercising in the humans' lives, the work focuses on the development of a mobile emergency, made of sheets of corrugated cardboard, which prioritized systems fittings, and other possible proposals of furniture that can be designed with the same feature. In order to collaborate in the reconstruction of life and self-esteem of these families, it is necessary to consider alternatives that may minimize the inconvenience caused, since while not giving proper attention to this subject, some of the less favored population suffers from the consequences materials and intangible. With the impact of the Industrial Revolution forward the way of living of the population and therefore the immediate care of their own wishes and desires, currently lives in a social and environmental collapse, in which he claims is at the mercy of nature. The methodology is based on concepts from Social Design, in which the eye of the designer is differentiated in order to propose solutions in communion with sustainability and social development.
This study was based essentially on frequent occurrences of natural disasters that have occurred in recent decades, particularly in regions that make up Brazil, and its direct consequence in relation to population living in these places, succinctly describing the relationship between man, society and the environment. Emphasizing the importance of the mobile exercising in the humans' lives, the work focuses on the development of a mobile emergency, made of sheets of corrugated cardboard, which prioritized systems fittings, and other possible proposals of furniture that can be designed with the same feature. In order to collaborate in the reconstruction of life and self-esteem of these families, it is necessary to consider alternatives that may minimize the inconvenience caused, since while not giving proper attention to this subject, some of the less favored population suffers from the consequences materials and intangible. With the impact of the Industrial Revolution forward the way of living of the population and therefore the immediate care of their own wishes and desires, currently lives in a social and environmental collapse, in which he claims is at the mercy of nature. The methodology is based on concepts from Social Design, in which the eye of the designer is differentiated in order to propose solutions in communion with sustainability and social development.
Mobiliário , Papelão , Design social