Relatório sobre a produção da grande reportagem “paredes invisíveis: solidão e dependência na era da tecnocultura”
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Sousa, Thaís Mariano de
Bueno, Vinicius Prates da Fonseca
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Esse trabalho apresenta o relatório do projeto da grande reportagem “Paredes Invisíveis – Solidão e dependência na era da tecnocultura”, feita no modelo da revista piauí e aborda como tema o uso da internet e da tecnologia, baseado principalmente nos estudos do pesquisador Zygmunt Bauman. O foco é compreender como as interações sociais se transformaram a partir dessas ferramentas, como as dinâmicas em sociedade transmutaram para relações rasas, efêmeras e vazias, analisar quando o homem deixou que a necessidade de praticidade se tornasse um vício e uma obsessão, e quais os impactos desse comportamento na vida em sociedade
This work presents the report of the project of the great report “Paredes Invisíveis - Loneliness and dependence in the age of technoculture”, made in the model of piauí magazine and addresses the theme of the use of the internet and technology, based mainly on the studies of the researcher Zygmunt Bauman. The focus is to understand how social interactions were transformed from these tools, how the dynamics in society transmuted into shallow, ephemeral and empty relationships, to analyze when man let the need for practicality become an addiction and an obsession, and what are the impacts this behavior in life in society.
This work presents the report of the project of the great report “Paredes Invisíveis - Loneliness and dependence in the age of technoculture”, made in the model of piauí magazine and addresses the theme of the use of the internet and technology, based mainly on the studies of the researcher Zygmunt Bauman. The focus is to understand how social interactions were transformed from these tools, how the dynamics in society transmuted into shallow, ephemeral and empty relationships, to analyze when man let the need for practicality become an addiction and an obsession, and what are the impacts this behavior in life in society.
internet , vício , solidão , internet , addiction , loneliness