Margens urbanas contemporâneas paulistanas: córrego do Carandiru
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Dias, Rebeca Crespo Martins
Brocaneli, Pérola Felipette
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Este trabalho tem como objeto o território
do Córrego do Carandiru e seus arredores,
do Parque da Juventude até as margens do
Rio Tietê, localizado na zona norte da cida de de São Paulo, pertencente a prefeitura
regional de Santana/Tucuruvi. O estudo se
deu através da análises de dados históri cos, de questões políticas e ambientais, bem
como o estudo de projetos antes realizados
para requalificação da infraestrutura verde
e morfologia urbana da cidade de São Paulo,
retomando a relação do homem com a água.
Os vestígios dos corpos d’água que deixaram
de integrar a paisagem das grandes cidades
são o argumento desta pesquisa. Diante da
complexidade do mundo contemporâneo,
há a necessidade de proteger o ambiente e
preservar a memória. O objetivo é chamar a
atenção para a necessidade urgente de ações
voltadas para a revitalização dos rios e cór regos urbanos. Isso pode ser feito através de
um sistema de wetlands construídos, soma do a infraestrutura natural das águas
This work deals with the territory of Carandi ru Stream and its surroundings, from the Youth Park to the banks of the Tietê River, located in the northern part of the city of São Paulo, belonging to the regional prefecture of Santana / Tucuru vi. The study was carried out through analyzes of historical data, political and environmental issues, as well as the study of previous projects to requalify the green infrastructure and urban morphology of the city of São Paulo, retaking the relationship between man and water. The vestiges of the bodies of water that stopped integrating the landscape of the big cities are the argument of this research. Faced with the complexity of the contemporary world, there is a need to protect the environment and preser ve memory. The objective is to draw attention to the urgent need for actions aimed at the re vitalization of urban rivers and streams. This can be done through a built wetlands system, added to the natural water infrastructure
This work deals with the territory of Carandi ru Stream and its surroundings, from the Youth Park to the banks of the Tietê River, located in the northern part of the city of São Paulo, belonging to the regional prefecture of Santana / Tucuru vi. The study was carried out through analyzes of historical data, political and environmental issues, as well as the study of previous projects to requalify the green infrastructure and urban morphology of the city of São Paulo, retaking the relationship between man and water. The vestiges of the bodies of water that stopped integrating the landscape of the big cities are the argument of this research. Faced with the complexity of the contemporary world, there is a need to protect the environment and preser ve memory. The objective is to draw attention to the urgent need for actions aimed at the re vitalization of urban rivers and streams. This can be done through a built wetlands system, added to the natural water infrastructure
córrego do Carandiru , Wetlands , sustentabilidade , hidrografia , revitalização de rios e córregos urbanos , Carandiru stream , Wetlands , sustainability , hydrography , revitalization of urban rivers and streams