Negócio de capacitação em gestão jurídica por plataforma digital

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Chammas, Amira
Medeiros Júnior, Alberto de
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Membros da banca
Pinto, Felipe Chiarello de Souza
Pereira, Maurício Martinez
Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios
In a context of accelerated digital transformation, where the future of lawyers has been questioned, due to the creation and improvement of robots and artificial intelligence linked to the legal world, it has become essential to rethink the lawyer's performance and his professional positioning in relation to the client’s needs. In any activity, public or private businesses, law firms or any other type of organization, the legal professional is considered as a "necessary evil", prepotent and bureaucratic and, consequently, this be-havior reduces the demand for legal services. For that reason, we have analyzed the needs and desires of the main stakeholders of the legal relationship in order to propose an inno-vative solution that creates value for the entire relationship chain, improving and greater proximity of the lawyer and his clients, in a less bureaucratic environment and with better conditions to provide legal services. Therefore, was analyzed the needs and desires of the main stakeholders of the legal relationship in order to propose an innovative solution that creates value for the entire relationship chain, providing the improvement and greater proximity of the lawyer and his clients, in a less bureaucratic environment and with better conditions to provide legal services. The study has setup a management legal course for lawyers or law graduates, using an innovative method, games/gamification on digital plat-forms to engage and fix the theoretical content. Due to its versatility and applicability is evident in the fact that it can be taught at a distance, in person or in a mixed way. Despite the complexities of the platform, it is believed that this methodology will be considered transformative in the academic environment of law.
perfil do advogado , capacitação , gestão jurídica , jogos.gamificação
Assuntos Scopus
CHAMMAS, Amira. Negócio de capacitação em gestão jurídica por plataforma digital. 2020. 56 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2020.