Implementação de Dashboards para controle orçamentário : o caso da escola da defensoria
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Santos, Catarine Andrea dos
Oyadomari, José Carlos Tiomatsu
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Membros da banca
Mendonça Neto, Octavio Ribeiro de
Aguiar, Andson Braga de
Aguiar, Andson Braga de
Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais
This paper aims to demonstrate the conceptual premises and proposition of a dashboard applied to the Budget and Finance subarea of the São Paulo Defense School - EDEPE. Thus, the aim will be to demonstrate that tools for management and budget control are fundamental for decision making in organizations and is also an instrument for transparency of budget execution, as well as planning and financial controls in public agencies with small own funds. The methodology adopted was Design Science, since it aims to contribute to the design and development of a technological and innovation tool. The choice of dashboard format is due to the ease of understanding and visualization of information and budgetary and financial data to be used in decision making, especially by managers, who in this case are legally trained. Through the development of a new and unique database, searches are optimized and information is presented through easy-to-understand, informative and interactive graphics, which is an efficient solution that solves the difficulties initially encountered and can solve problems. similar in other public organizations.
controles gerenciais , dashboards , ferramentas gerenciais , indicadores financeiros , órgão público , tomada de decisão
Assuntos Scopus
SANTOS, Catarine Andrea dos. Implementação de Dashboards para controle orçamentário : o caso da escola da defensoria. 2019. 60 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.