As personagens femininas de Marçal Aquino: representações da imagem de mulher fatal
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Bezerra, Sílvia de Paula
Atik, Maria Luiza Guarnieri
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Trevisan, Ana Lúcia
Aguiar, Cristhiano Motta
Reimão, Sandra Lúcia Amaral de Assis
Rosa, Dafne Di Sevo
Aguiar, Cristhiano Motta
Reimão, Sandra Lúcia Amaral de Assis
Rosa, Dafne Di Sevo
This thesis aims to point out the differences in the construction of female characters
in the contemporaneity and its dialogue with the black detective stories and the
image of fatal woman in three novels published by the writer and screenwriter Marçal
Aquino. The analysis focus on, respectively, Paula and Cecília, from O invasor
(2002), Elaine and Marlene, from Cabeça a prêmio (2003a), and Lavínia, from Eu
receberia as piores notícias dos seus lindos lábios (2005).Thus, we can observe how
literature takes mythological, psychological and sociological aspects in order to
establish a character model that undergoes changes and never ceases to exist. The
vision of the woman as a deity who carries good and evil in herself, as portrayed by
good part of mythologies and religions around the world, represents her closeness to
nature, her ability to raise children and her power of seduction. This duality can be
noted in medieval idols, and also in literature and modern cinema, as a recurrent
example of being able, at the same time, to generate and destroy the life of men with
whom these women have some kind of relationship. In view of this, the questions we
formulated are:(a) what traits support the fatal woman setting of each character?; (b)
what aspects stand out in the roles women play in the destruction, complete or
partial, of their partners?; (c) what kind of elements are maintained and altered from
the features of these characters in police narratives of the nineteenth and the
twentieth centuries?; The study is based on texts written by Antonio Candido (1995),
Fábio Marques Mendes (2015), James Wood (2017), Regina Dalcastagnè (2012),
Tânia Pellegrini (2008, 2014), Tzevetan Todorov (1973), Paulo de Medeiros e
Albuquerque (1979), Ernest Mandel (1988), P. D James (2012), Sandra Reimão
(1986; 2005), writings on the mythical and religious figure of the femme fatale, by
Camille Paglia (1992) and Jennifer and Roger Woolger (1994), and the social studies
about the woman and the feminine gender of Simone de Beauvoir (2009), Roberto
Damatta (1997), Pierre Boardieu (2003) and Mary Del Priore (2005).
Marçal Aquino , personagem feminina , romance policial contemporâneo , mulher fatal
Assuntos Scopus
BEZERRA, Sílvia de Paula. As personagens femininas de Marçal Aquino: representações da imagem de mulher fatal. 2020. 206 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.