Uber: (des) regulação econômica e entraves políticos
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Garcia Junior, Wagner Roberto Ramos
Araújo, Clayton Vinicius Pegoraro de
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Racy, Joaquim Carlos
Kolling, Gabrielle Jacobi
Kolling, Gabrielle Jacobi
Economia e Mercados
Atualmente, o aplicativo Uber é o grande pioneiro da nova engenharia econômica chamada de “Sharing Economy” e também é o maior exemplo de inovação e disrupção no que tange à mobilidade urbana no século XXI. Deste modo, a presente dissertação aborda os principais impactos econômicos, regulatórios, políticos e sociais que a plataforma tecnológica Uber proporcionou ao chegar no Brasil acirrando debates acerca da sua regulação. Pela ótica concorrencial, o presente trabalho demostra as principais características do mercado concorrencial entre o aplicativo tecnológico e o serviço de táxi na cidade de São Paulo e as inovações trazidas ao mercado de transporte individual de passageiros. Utilizando uma análise empírica da Teoria da Escolha Pública, a trabalho demonstra a incidência de grupos de interesse na regulamentação da atividade econômica da plataforma tecnológica na capital paulista, estudando o comportamento legislativo e judicial dos agentes políticos nas esferas do Poder Legislativo e do Poder Judiciário. Com o objetivo de trazer as principais abordagens – sejam elas pela ótica concorrencial, consumerista e trabalhista, a pesquisa mediante método analítico descritivo apresenta os desafios da (des) regulação das novas tecnologias. Além disso, o trabalho apresenta discussões contemporâneas sobre neologismos acadêmicos como Gig Economy e “Uberização” das relações de trabalho, proporcionando discussões acerca das relações de trabalho, impactos econômicos e sociais das decisões judiciais e os dados atuais acerca do trabalho informal e do desemprego.
Currently, the Uber app is the great pioneer of the new economic engineering called the “Sharing Economy” and is also the greatest example of innovation and disruption with regard to urban mobility in the 21st century. In this way, this dissertation addresses the main economic, regulatory, political and social impacts that the technological platform Uber provided when it arrived in Brazil, stirring up debates about its regulation. From a competitive perspective, the present study shows the main characteristics of the competitive market between the technological application and the taxi service in the city of São Paulo and the innovations brought to the individual passenger transport market. Using an empirical analysis of the Public Choice Theory, this research demonstrates the incidence of interest groups in the regulation of the economic activity of the technological platform in the capital of São Paulo, studying the legislative and judicial behavior of political agents in the spheres of the Legislative and Judiciary. In addition, the paper presents contemporary discussions on academic neologisms such as Gig Economy and "Uberization" of labor relations, providing discussions about labor relations, economic and social impacts of court decisions and current data about informal work and unemployment.
Currently, the Uber app is the great pioneer of the new economic engineering called the “Sharing Economy” and is also the greatest example of innovation and disruption with regard to urban mobility in the 21st century. In this way, this dissertation addresses the main economic, regulatory, political and social impacts that the technological platform Uber provided when it arrived in Brazil, stirring up debates about its regulation. From a competitive perspective, the present study shows the main characteristics of the competitive market between the technological application and the taxi service in the city of São Paulo and the innovations brought to the individual passenger transport market. Using an empirical analysis of the Public Choice Theory, this research demonstrates the incidence of interest groups in the regulation of the economic activity of the technological platform in the capital of São Paulo, studying the legislative and judicial behavior of political agents in the spheres of the Legislative and Judiciary. In addition, the paper presents contemporary discussions on academic neologisms such as Gig Economy and "Uberization" of labor relations, providing discussions about labor relations, economic and social impacts of court decisions and current data about informal work and unemployment.
Uber , sharing economy , regulação , Gig Economy , uberização , teoria da escolha pública
Assuntos Scopus
GARCIA JUNIOR, Wagner Roberto Ramos. Uber: (des) regulação econômica e entraves políticos. 2021. 70 f. Dissertação (Economia e Mercados) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2020.