Síndrome de Down: perfil antropométrico e de aptidão física no envelhecimento

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Ressurreição, Kamila Santos
Assis, Silvana Maria Blascovi de
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Caperuto, Érico Chagas
Hirota, Vinicius Barroso
Fernandes, Susi Mary de Souza
Rodrigues, Graciele Massoli
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Introduction: Down Syndrome (DS) is the most prevalent genetic condition in the world, it is characterized by chromosomal disorders of numerical alteration. The main characteristic of DS is the atypical development that compromises global development. Early aging is a characteristic of DS that enhances the deleterious effects of the chromosomal disease. Objectives: To describe the aging profile of adults with DS, observing anthropometric and physical fitness aspects. Method: A descriptive, correlational cross-sectional study was carried out using the following tests: Body mass index, Body image, Timed Up and Go (TUG), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Six-minute walk test (6MWT), Manovacuometry, Flexibility and Dynamometry. Eighteen adults with Down Syndrome participated in this study, seven women with an average age of 47 ± 8.68 years and 11 men with an average age of 47 ± 10.14 years, they were attending an institution specialized in educational and therapeutic care in the city of São Paulo. Results and Discussion: The average BMI for women was 33.41 kg/m2 and for men, 29.82 kg/m2. In the evaluation by IPAQ, six participants were classified as irregularly active A and 10 as irregularly active B. The evaluation of body image of women for real silhouette (RS) was on average for image 6 ± 4.43, while for men it was image 5 ± 3.39; assessment of the observed body (OB) was for figure 10 ± 3.41 for women and 7 ± 3.2 for men. The correlations between BMI and RS were of low magnitude for the group (r = 0.216). For men it was moderate (r = 0.366) while for women, a distortion of body image was observed, with a negative correlation (r = -0.418). The correlation between BMI and OB, which represents the observer's observation, was as expected, of great magnitude for the complete group, n = 18 (r = 0.646 / p = 0.004). Between the tests of manovacuometry and 6MWT, correlations of great or moderate magnitude were observed. Between dynamometry and TUG, the correlations were moderate for both sexes and weak for dynamometry and flexibility. Conclusion: The studied individual with DS over 35 years of age, from an anthropometric point of view, was above the average percentages for Brazilian BMI curves, being irregularly active. In physical fitness, the evaluated group showed data variability, with belowaverage performance in grip strength and cardiorespiratory capacity, as for mobility we observed some difficulties when rotating and sittingif, even if the test was performed within the expected run time. It is concluded that specific programs for people with DS should be directed toward physical activity practices to improve physical conditions such as body mass, respiratory capacity and muscle strength so that this population can age with better chances of achieving the quality of life expected in this life cycle.
Síndrome de Down , envelhecimento , antropometria , aptidão física
Assuntos Scopus
RESSURREÇÃO, Kamila Santos. Síndrome de Down: perfil antropométrico e de aptidão física no envelhecimento. 2020. 97 f. Tese (Doutorado em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.