Proposta para desenvolvimento e lançamento de novo produto no mercado da indústria de artefatos de papel
Mariani Junior, Paulo Sergio
Benedetti, Mauricio Henrique
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Marcondes, Reynaldo Cavalheiro
Shibao, Fábio Ytoshi
Shibao, Fábio Ytoshi
Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios
This paper has been made with the purpose to prepare the development and launch of a new product in a company that act in the business sector of artefacts of paper. The innovation opportunity has begun with the request of one client, which needed a product that, until that moment was not produced in Brazilian territory and that satisfied the accuracy of specifications demanded by this client. During the development, a mixed survey was applied to many others clients from different business segments, checking an opportunity of increasing sales and focus on quality to grow up the actual quality level on market, reaching a competitive differential, without increasing cost or make the price higher. With the analysis of data obtained from the survey with these other clients, was possible to achieve a diagnosis that, in fact, the opportunity was real for the development of a new product. How the developed product for the opportunity was an improvement of a model manufactured and commercialized by the company, this effort results in a complex incremental innovation whereby has a huge incremental quality benefit, reinforcing a differential between the company and his rivals. The complexity of the project its observed in the process to envelop suppliers, clients, and a change in the internal culture, since for be a small business company, involve more coo participation of workers of all sectors. The internal results obtained with the development and deployment of the action plan, until this phase, are satisfactory, and the action plan will continue phase by phase, keeping the focus on client’s needs and requests on the market’s opportunity to expand the business company.
fabricar por demanda , qualidade , impressão , inovação , custo
MARIANI JUNIOR, Paulo Sergio. Proposta para desenvolvimento e lançamento de novo produto no mercado da indústria de artefatos de papel. 60 f. Dissertação (Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020